First I am so upset with OD! I don’t feel confident that it will continue. What will I do then? I invest so much time here and invest so much of myself. I don’t want to lose my friends.
Second I am counting the days until I leave for Florida. My daughter still isn’t sure if she will come to NY with me or not. She is waiting for her boss to tell her if she can take a day off. I told here maybe it is her fate that she doesn’t come this time. I told her I will wait till Wednesday and then I will start buying tickets to shows in NY.
Third tomorrow I am going to the dermatologist first thing in the morning. Hopefully she won’t find anything!
Next Tuesday I have to go back to my gyno. Again I hope things will be ok. Then I’ll be able to breathe easy and start packing.
Fourth my DIL is afraid she will lose her job and it seems to be a 
reality now. I hope not because if she does they might need our help. This morning my hubby told me that he didn’t take salary for about three years before he retired. Everything went to my sons!!!! I wouldn’t care if he wasn’t so worried about money.
Today I played Canasta and won $1.34. I’m rich now!!!!
Last night I had my family over for a goodbye party. It was so much fun and so heartwarming. We played a few games like SARDINES, FIND THE LEADER AND THE HUMAN KNOT! We shared a goodbye hug altogether at the end. Good memories for my grandchildren!
So now I am just waiting to leave for Florida. I have about ten packed days before I leave.
Tuesday – dermatologist, friend, condo meeting at night
Wednesday – lecture at Golden Age, periodontist afternoon, supper alone with my son
Thursday – grandson
Friday – get together with a friend
Saturday – lunch with my DIL
Sunday – lunch with my other son, supper with friends
Monday – better start packing
Tuesday – gyno early in the morning
Wednesday – PACKING

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October 23, 2012

Why do you think OD may not continue? I had better download my diary as I have never done that. You will need to truly rest once you get to Florida!

October 23, 2012

very exciting!

October 23, 2012

There will be no need to ever worry about money if you keep winning like that at Canasta! ;o) !! hugs, Nicky

October 23, 2012

Are you a member of the OD Lifeboat?

I’m a bit behind on reading everyone, so please accept my apologies for notes left on entries you posted days ago. When reading this, the first thing that popped to my mind was, “Wow. Her husband is finally talking financial stuff with her! That’s a huge deal.” Three years seems a long time to go without collecting a salary to contribute to retirement savings. In today’s economy, with there be very little interest paid on ANY investments, I have a better understanding of his stress and worry over the money situation. I hope all your doctor appointments go without a hitch and you receive only good news with no added health worries!

October 24, 2012

Sounds like a busy few weeks! (huggles)

October 25, 2012

Oh it all sound so exciting, apart from your DIL losing her job. Enjoy every moment! Which shows do you want to book in NY?