My hubby had his fourth treatment this morning and so far so good. I am not going with him anymore because there are no effects so far, parking is easy etc. I will go with him Monday when he talks to the radiologist.
Yesterday I went to the casino. I won a few quarters here and there. I won big once. I didn’t count. Maybe about twenty dollars so I came out a little ahead. It was fun and something different to do. Then we met my cousin for supper. She eats like a pig. I don’t know why I never noticed it before. I didn’t sit long as we were in a booth and it was crowded. Besides I wanted to go to the book store and Sears. In the end I bought nothing but I had fun looking.
This morning my grandson will be coming. It’s a dull day so not sure what we will do. If he wants to stay home it’s fine with me.
I finished reading the KITE RUNNER. I’m amazed at how people treat and hate each other based on religion. It is so SAD!!! Will people ever change? I can’t understand how people can hate each other so much and treat others like animals or worse. Life is so short!!! Each person can make a happy life for themselves. Why do they spend their lives thinking of how they can destroy the other person? Life is too short! I don’t even want to think about what is going on In IRAQ and AFRICA. It is too horrible to think about!
I have to decide what to read next.