I can’t sleep a wink. I don’t know why. It is so annoying.

So I’m up but hope to go back to sleep soon.

I didn’t know what to do so I decorated my Hanukah bush. I usually don’t have one but just wanted one this year. I love to close the lights and look at the lights on the tree. So peaceful!! I still have more decorations coming from Amazon. I think I am their best customer.

Today I went to my family doctor. She explained very clearly what happened to me. Most of it was because I didn’t use my Sleep Apnea machine. You can be sure that I will be using it every night now. She gave me hope saying that there is a possibility that I won’t need the oxygen forever. I sure hope so! It’s not easy moving around the house with a LONG tube following you. I just know that one day I’ll trip over it.

Thank goodness my cleaning lady is coming today. The place is ready to crawl away.

So maybe just maybe I’ll try to get some more sleep.

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December 7, 2019

Question?  Do you find that if you are out of the house and going to different places that when you come back you feel a bit better?  I find that with myself, especially since this weight loss isn’t going as fast as I would like it.  They also say if you loose weight you will not need the sleep apnea machine, the oxygen I don’t know……And I know for me that once I lost all my weight I stopped with the blood pressure pills and the colorestral  pills