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January 10, 2005

It’s always nice when they come home–and even nicer when they leave again!

January 10, 2005

Party on Ginger!!!

January 10, 2005

Enjoy your room! 🙂

January 10, 2005

Yay for you! 🙂

So my dreams may be answered someday? Hope you enjoy the room 🙂

January 10, 2005

now you can get back to your plans for the year, for yourself…..have you made any decisions what to do yet?

January 11, 2005

I hate when my daughter leaves the house…She gives me those big sad doe eyes that say I love you and I want to stay forever….and then she pulls out of the driveway and ahhhh peace…my art room and kitchen become my own again.

It would be nicer if she were closer, I know that!!! Hugs to you both,

I hope your daughter had a nice visit.

January 11, 2005

Its nice when the visit but nice when they go back home too take care of you