Yesterday I met a friend on my way home from the pool. He was besides himself and quite upset. His wife has CANCER and is seriously sick. She was always VERY hard on him and now that she’s so sick she is much worse. Of course I don’t blame her. When you are suffering it is hard to be patient etc. I told him I would do whatever he needed. I might call them to come for supper tomorrow but hubby has a cold so don’t think it’s a good idea. I will do something but not sure what. I told her I would go shopping with her and she could use a wheel chair. It is so devastating to be so sick and uncomfortable and in pain. It is so hard on the whole family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This afternoon we celebrated my BIL’S 84th birthday party. It was very pleasant. Hubby is lucky to have a lot of his first cousins in Florida for the winter.
Tonight we went for supper with friends to celebrate their anniversary. So we’ve been busy.
I just finished wrapping some presents for my grandchildren. I will mail them tomorrow. I am getting up early to do some messages. I need something for my art supplies so will go to Home Depot. This morning I went to Walmart but they had nothing. I also want to go to the art store as I have my first art class tomorrow afternoon.

Hubby has a cold but he’s like a trooper – not complaining at all. I just hope I don’t get it.

It’s hard to believe that it’s January already. I keep thinking the rest of the winter will fly by and we’ll be heading home.



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