Is it really possible to have a "good" marriage?
I read about so many couples who just don’t get along. I read and hear about so many divorces.
I read about woman who move to the ends of the earth to be with the one they love and things go sour. What happens?
Are women too eager?
Do couples get married for the wrong reason?
Do people expect too much from each other?
I just think it’s so sad that people with children get married and or move in together and then have so many troubles with their children and each other?
I wonder if Dr. Laura is right when she says "single" parents should concentrate on raising their children before they get involved in a love relationship.

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It takes alot of work and a lot of give and take to make a marriage last and having extra money helps a lot too. You got to want it to work and even then it fails a lot. Sometimes I think marriage should just be outlawed..

April 17, 2008

RYN The scan itself is no big deal. My problem was that I have a lot of allergies and I had a reaction to the dye they inject you with. Nothing serious, I just broke out in hives. They sent me to emergency and they gave me a shot of Benadryl. It worked, but I slept all afternoon after I got home, because it makes you sleepy.

April 17, 2008

Marriage is really an institution that has outlived its usefulness. People used to only live to age 30 remember, now we are living to age 80, 90 and beyond. Can you really stay with the same person for all those years? I don’t think so. I did focus on raising my children after I divorced, my ex was the one in a rush to get remarried again, big mistake I think he is miserable with his new wife already but hey he had to do it. Now he is stuck again. the bottom line is he was unhappy before he was married, while he was married and again after being unmarried. He really does not know what he wants. I would never rush into a second marriage, I learned from my mistakes. He is never really happy no matter what he does.

April 17, 2008

I think I have a wonderful marriage and I don’t think it takes a lot of work either. But then I know I am weird. We have been married for almost 11 years now and we are still thought of as newlyweds. Now I do think with single parents you need to put your kid first if he is young…

Sure it’s possible. I have so many friends and family members who have such happy and healthy marriages. Almost all of them have healthy relationships with God too, so they are gaining a lot of strength, patience, etc from God too. They pray together, study the scriptures together, etc. I think if both partners want what’s best for the other, and if they’re willing to forgive, be patient,and grow in spirit, I think it’s possible to have a thriving, healthy marriage for many years.

April 17, 2008

There is such a thing as a good marriage. However, there usually has to be one who gives more than the other. AND, can accept that giving more isn’t a bad thing.

April 17, 2008

RYN I wrote an entry for you.

April 17, 2008

My husband and I will celebrate 36 yrs. of marriage in July and we are still happy and in love. I was only 19 and he was 21 when we married. We are each other’s best friends and he is the one I like to spend my time with more than anyone else. 😀

I am happily married (in a second marriage) I cannot imagine life without my husband. I think the problem is there is not enough guidance before marriage. Dunno?

Charles and I have been married for 46 years and its a lot of work to marriage. Was it all worth it? I guess as I am still here. I am the care giver now and thats the hardest part.

April 18, 2008

I think you can’t stop love.

April 22, 2008

My children & I were some of the lucky ones. Hubs is a great husband & an awesome step dad. The girls love him to pieces, he is definitely dad to them & has been for 23 years. The girls were 7 & 9 when Hubs & I got together. We were together a year before we got married. Don’t get me wrong, Hubs & I have had our ups & downs like most other couples. But we keep working through the rough spots &keep coming out together on the other side so we are some of the lucky ones. I know that & I try to remember to give thanks daily. I think people don’t have enough patience. They want instant gratification with everything, including if they fight they want it all better now. It just doesn’t always work that way. Also when therre are children involved you have to be a united front. You don’t always have to agree but don’t disagree in front of the kids, do it in private & reach some kind of agreement to present to the kids. I think this is really key. If you & your partner have no common ground as far as raising kids then stay a single parent. Sorry for the soap box. I feel lucky we made it & just wanted to share my perspective.