I have spoken to two people lately who told me they appreciate and deserve their retirement because as they said to me THEY PAID THEIR DUES!
I know my sister had a very hard life and worked most of it so she appreciates having lots of free time to do exactly what she wants.
OK. I do also appreciate not having to rush anywhere and taking my time but I am still not completely satisfied. I feel I SHOULD be doing other things…..more useful with more purpose. CRAZY!!!! I know!
Anyhow I am trying to enjoy and appreciate my two months in Florida….just about another month to go and then it will be back to the rat race. Get ready to hear my complaints. Hey! Maybe I won’t! I will appreciate every day I have here and when I get home I will appreciate my home which is undergoing transformation as I speak.
On to my day…………….
Have a good one
Save time to play……………..