I couldn’t sleep so I am up at six. I was up earlier and tried to go back to sleep but I couldn’t. Hubby is up too but he stays in bed. I toss and turn so what’s the use. He tells me to count the spots on the ceiling. WHAT??????? So I am up!!!!!!
I know what is keeping me up. I am thinking about Passover and all I have to do. Even though I am having no guests I still have a lot to do. In a way I may as well have had everybody.
I still have to change my dishes and get them organized so next year I only have to bring up dishes for ten or even less.
I still have to make a chicken soup.
I still have to make the chopped liver.
I know I could NOT make some things but the kids expect it………….
I would like to skip this holiday. It is just too much work and I could care less about it. When I did care it was a different story.
My cleaning lady is coming today so she will bring up all the Passover boxes and I will go through them to see what I need for the holiday and in the future. The rest I will mark and not bring up anymore. I wish one of my children were ready to take over. I think the organizing is a killer. I think the shopping is a killer. Not only is there a lot to buy but it costs a fortune!
I am so sick of Passover and all the work it involves. I can’t believe what I use to do in the past. Most people never did it and more and more are doing less with each passing year. I wish I could just "pass over" this holiday.
Anyhow since I’m up I’ll have a leisurely breakfast and get ready to stat the day.
Today is my son’s birthday so we are going there for supper. I am anxious to see my grandchildren.
The weather has been cloudy, dull and rainy. I know this is to show the "snowbirds" that they didn’t miss it all. LOL!
So on with the day. On with the planning! On with the work.

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