I got a call this afternoon from my gynechologist’s office. I think she said I have the HPV virus or some cells that are not normal so I have to go Friday morning for more tests. My body is falling apart. I am trying to be brave and not think about it but it’s difficult. I have a foot that is like pins and needles. I have polyps that were removed. I have a slight headache some of the time. I AM WORRIED but trying not to. It isn’t easy. Anyhow there’s nothing I can do at this time.
I am watching the election results. The party that wants Quebec to separate won the election. OY!!!!
 Who knows what will be. Over the last twenty or thirty years so many people decided to leave Quebec.
Tomorrow I am taking one of my grandsons after school. Not sure what I will do with him. He usually has some thing that he wants to do. I am going to suggest a movie.
Anyhow going to work on my scrapbook. Take care.

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September 4, 2012

RYN: We are on the waitlist at a nice retirement community. It would be great if all the little piece would come together, but it’s probably going to be a stressful few months around here.

September 4, 2012

I remember when I was in 4th grade, my class wrote a letter to Chretien about how we would be sad if Quebec separated, and “there would be a hole in our map” if they left… haha, oh my… it sure will be interesting… In regards to the HPV, Ill keep my fingers crossed for you… its not uncommon though, so hopefully its just one of those cases where it resolves itself on its own. <3

September 4, 2012

Almost every woman who has ever had sex has some form of HPV and for the most part it is harmless and even if it isn’t they can get it out of there before it becomes something worse so don’t worry.

September 4, 2012

(((((huuuugggggsssss))))) I hope the tests show that everything is ok! Sometimes I wonder if my body is falling apart, too! And I’m only 54! Seems like after menopause, everything starts to go! :oO !! hugs, Nicky

September 4, 2012

If you have HPV, the doctor will probably give you a prescription for Valtrex or something like it. I hope that’s all it is–nothing worse. Keeping you in my thoughts.

September 5, 2012

the doctor will help you get sorted, try not to worry too much, it doesn’t sound life-threatening. hugs p

Can I urge you to try just two weeks with no wheat or refined sugar? If you need ideas I can give you links but soooo many people eliminate their headaches and increase energy / improve health when making that change. You may find it helps but that you’d rather have the headaches than go without wheat and sugar but at least you’d know it was food related!

September 5, 2012

prayers all your health related problems are easily solvable. enjoy your time with your grandson. take care,

September 5, 2012

ryn: I’m so glad it helped. Hang in there!

September 6, 2012

Hope the HPV results aren’t alarming… Have fun scrapbooking!

I hope the tests show no problems. I used to be called back quite often and they never find anything. But they can phrase things to really scare you.

*HUGS* and more *HUGS* I hope the medical situation isn’t as scarey as it sounds!

I saw on the news all the chaos on the night that they won the election. I hope all your health issues are resolved, quickly. My kids would love a movie.

September 8, 2012

Hopefully the doctor’s visit won’t be upsetting. Try to take it easy if you can.