I have a friend. She is probably my BEST friend but she drives me crazy. I don’t know why I called her today but yesterday I thought I would go to the pool this afternoon. I told her we could play SCRABBLE!!!!! Well this morning my daughter left her keys here so I have to go mail them. Hubby went to play golf so I figured I may as well go out and do my messages. So I called her and she said she would come with me. I arranged for around 1. I tried to have a nap. She called to see if I had called her!!!!!! So I got up and continued to fold clothes and reorganize this place.
She is on her phone 23 hours a day. She takes time off to go to the bathroom and take a shower. I’m not kidding. She calls just to chat. She calls to check your plans. Then she calls to verify them. She left her watch on her bureau and the repairman was coming. She called her brother to call the man who was going to open the door for the repairman to take her watch and put it in his pocket until the repairman was gone. She asked her brother to call her back after he reached the repair man. Then she called him back to check if he reached the repairman. She called him again to check if the repairman found the watch. This is all while she is sitting in my car! Then she called her brother to tell him he could have a drink. There were cokes in the fridge. REALLY??????????????? Doesn’t she trust anyone? Doesn’t she think her brother would be smart enough to take a drink if he wanted one? 
She wants to send a money order to her daughter. She calls to ask when she should send it. She calls again to see how much she should send. She calls again to ask how she should send it. She calls again to tell her she sent it. PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have no patience. I wish I hadn’t asked her to come with me.
The other day we went shopping. I told her I would meet her at one at the food court. When she finally arrived I told her to go get something for lunch. She told me to go first so I did. Then she goes and comes back with a pretzel. I asked her why she didn’t get something substantial. She didn’t want to keep us waiting. Nice but stupid!!!! I wasn’t in a rush………..




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December 30, 2010

Sending you more patience…Good lord You must be going crazy, I know I wouldn’t be able to handle all that HAVE A WONDERFUL EVENING

December 30, 2010

If I had a friend like that I would grab her phone and hurl it into a lake or something equally dramatic, maybe she would get the hint? LOL

Hehe that would drive me crazy too. These days my generation and younger spend much less time on the phone. I hate being on the phone. We text msg. 🙂 The other day I was at a cafe playing a board game with some friends, adn two of them were text msging the WHOLE time. Drove me crazy too, and finally I asked them to please put their phones away because it wasn’t even fun to play with them!

Being her best friend, you owe it to yourself and her to be honest. Letting her behave in an obnoxious way isn’t fair to anybody. Just tell her exactly what you want her to do (only call me three times a day at MOST, never before or after 9). Tell her that she’s acting batty and people are making fun of her. She doesn’t know!

December 30, 2010

Sending you some patience. I can understand how you feel though. Someone always on their phone would get to me too. Take care and have a Happy New Year. Love,

December 30, 2010

What did she ever do before cell phones!—that’s utterly ridiculous and CRAZY too!

She sounds so lonely. Go have lunch with her. Lol tell her to leave the cellular phone at home. also, she could be a victim of domestic violence. just saying …

December 30, 2010

she sounds very needy and lacking self confidence…I think thats wnhy she keeps calling people.Iknow it is frustrating for you….but she needs your friendship. Be patient. hugs P

December 30, 2010

I finally had to cut a friend loose as spending time with her was stressing me out too much. Look on the good side… there IS a good side right??

Very frustrating. I had to tell a friend of mine to please turn off her cell phone while we were together. She spent all her time on the phone. It wasn’t even like we were spending any time together because we were interrupted constantly by phone calls or she would make calls/text in the middle of talking. And, she was the one talking!!! She was interrupting herself! I think it’s incredibly rude.She must not be aware it bothers you. It also sounds like she likes to be “in the know” about things and it builds her confidence to feel as if she has to be connected to everyone all the time. She must have unlimited calls on her cell phone! Ha!

Yes — you definitely need patience to put up with this obsessive lady!!!

ryn: yes, we loved it overseas but we’ve chosen to be here. I can work in other places as an English teacher, but Mehmet wouldn’t be able to work, and that would kill him, it would be awful. We could go to Turkey but his family is too demanding and puts a lot of pressure on him, plus I can’t imagine settling there. I want to be near my dad too, as he’s getting older. We’re trying to be happy here!

December 31, 2010


December 31, 2010

don’t ask for patience… the way to learn patience is to be able to bear the problems that come. i never ask for patience. too scared of what might happen to teach me. i don’t know how people can be on the phone so much. don’t they like their own company and thoughts? or do they not realize that they are being rude? or do they feel they have to be in control all the time? the most i use my cell phone is on the weekends when i call my family. during the week i seldom use it but i have it if i need it. i wish for you a lot of patience to be able to deal with your best friend. what about telling her it bothers you that it seems like her phone calls are more important to her than your company? take care,

Doing all that calling is so funny! I cannot even imagine it.

December 31, 2010

Hehehehehehe, you need time out from da friend. Why did you choose her as your best friend? hehehehehe.

There is a reason you are friends with her. We all have lots of friends, some happy, some sad, some serious, some silly. But life is only full when we have all kinds of friends. It would be quite boring if all our friends were like carbon copies , wouldn’t it? No one is the same as you are and no one is the same as she is. Rejoice you have a nice friend and perhaps say a prayer that perhaps sheneeds help with her phone problem. Maybe talk about it with her seriously. You know what? Go into the living room while she is in your home, and PHONE her…Yes, call her on the phone and talk with her –about her phone. smiles …you just never know.