Thursday was my birthday! I am now 58 years old. It is sure hard to believe. Well I didn’t know what to do. I figured since it was my birthday I should do whatever I want! Anyhow I decided to cancel my Jewish lesson and NOT visit my mother. Instead I went to the bookstore. I went for a yummy lunch…………..chicken wings and french fries. Then I went to the book store. I wandered around choosing all of the books I thought I might like to buy. After my basket was overflowing I sat down and had a cup of coffee and looked through the books. I chose a few but then on the way to the cash I decided NOT to buy any. OY!!!!!! I don’t know why. I guess because I am always spending too much and knew that I shouldn’t even though it was my birthday. In the end I was upset because after all it was my birthday, I had spent so many hours looking for books etc. I should have at least written down the ones I had chosen. Anyhow I then went to the used book store but just wasn’t in the mood to buy anything. I probably should have gone to my lesson and my mother.

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