I had a day filled with stress. Then we went out for supper and it was no better.
It all started in the morning. I went to pick up two friends to go to a course at the Golden Age 
centre. Well one of my friends is on oxygen. When we got to the centre her tank was almost empty so we decided to change it right then and there. We couldn’t do it so had to get some help. It wasn’t working so they loaned us a tank from the Golden Age. Then we were good to attend the lecture on Spain. After that we usually go for lunch but how could we go without another new oxygen tank. So I offered to drive to my friend’s house, pick up a new tank and come back. So far so good. All the while I have to listen to women complaining about where will I park and will they charge me again etc. I guess I am NOT a worrier. I had to do something and I would. I drove to my friend’s house and just parked in front of her house. I put on my flashing lights and  went inside. I found the tank without any problems and went back to the Center. We changed the tank and off we went. We decided where to go for lunch. Not my favourite place but when I go with others I just go along. It’s not my last meal.
I dropped off my two friends and then went with my cousin to an appointment. To make a long story very short she has no money and is trying to get financial help. She was hoping for subsidized housing. Well they told her she made too much last year, they wanted to see her latest income tax returns but she didn’t have it. OY!!!!!!!! Everyone tells her to move and get rid of her car! I feel so sad for her but I don’t think she has any other way out.
So that was my day.
Then we went for supper to this restaurant that we always go to and I am so tired of it!!!!!!!! For some reason my friend likes to sit near the window so I was squished in a seat. YUK!!!!
Now I just talked to my sister and I am sure she is not happy. My sister always struggled financially and lives with a super cheap BASTARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Anyhow my nephew is having a Bar Mitzvah in December. This is the nephew that always invites the family over for holidays and other times. They make a delicious meal. It is a lot of work and expense. I thought that we should make a meal for the out of towners who will be coming the night before the bar. I told her that I would talk to my niece and we should all chip in. SO SHE TELLS ME SHE DOESN’T GO THERE OFTEN AND WHEN SHE DOES SHE BRINGS CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THE CHILDREN ARE 13 AND OVER. DO YOU THINK THEY APPRECIATE CANDY????????? I EXPLAINED TO HER THAT IT WOULD BE NICE IF WE WOULD MAKE THE SUPPER THE NIGHT BEFORE. She called back of course because she felt bad. I just feel this couple goes out of their way all the time. So I told my sister NOT to worry. I’ll mention it to my niece and it’s up to her.
So now I guess I’ll close and go work on the scrapbook. It’s just about finished. YEAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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“Not my favourite place but when I go with others I just go along. It’s not my last meal.” <— I love it! It must be so hard to watch your friends suffer physically or financially like that. 🙁

October 17, 2012

so is she going to help now?

October 17, 2012

You are a good person to be with. I admire the way you just get things done! You are a very capeable kind of person. So many women spend more time fretting and stewing than they spend actually DOING anything!! hugs, Nicky

Thanks for your kind note! We watched ‘Amaluna’. 🙂

I’m sorry for all your stress. But, you are a “go getter,” and a “get ‘er done’er!!!” I am sorry your friends / and rellies/ are somewhat difficult. I hope & pray, that things calm down for you & hubby! Love & bighugz, Lois