The weather has not been good but I’m not complaining. I did say I will never complain again. I meant it.

My cousin who went back home had her operation and is on the mend.

My BIL had a procedure done yesterday but he was fighting tooth and nail NOT to have it done. I am not sure why. I think it might be because he always believes he is perfect. Well, he isn’t and will need another procedure. His poor wife!

I started an art class yesterday. I was surprised to be the only returning student. I don’t care as it takes me time to catch on and yesterday I learned things I didn’t the first session so all is good.

I missed swimming for two days as I just had too much to do and something had to give. Yesterday I woke up at nine so couldn’t fit everything into the morning that I usually do. I hope to wake up early tomorrow. I think I’ll leave a note for hubby to wake me at seven.

I was happy to finally get on this site. I am losing interest and don’t really want to as I have been here since 1999.

So I am going to try to catch up on some diaries and then go back to bed.

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I am glad you are doing well. I am back here, and hope to stay, as long as it works! A lot of us have gone to It is a good writing site. Of course it is NOT OD, but, nothing is!! It’s a good site, and works well, no delays, and so far, always is up and working. It’s something to think about. I hope your BIL will be fine, and just get on with it, and have the next procedure!! Poor guy, NO ONE is perfect, so, that’s something, hopefully, he WILL accept!! Glad you are in another art class. Take care & feel free to visit me anytime!! bighugz, Lois

P.S. I forgot to say, we still stay here, too. But, on days OD is “fretful,” we write there. Some are even cross posting. I am not doing that yet. Okay, bighugz.

January 10, 2014

good to hear from you……yes complaining takes too much energy away from positive times. hugs and smiles p

It’s good that you’re trying to maintain a positive attitude.