I slept very well all night although I did wake up a few times. I still have a cold. I am waiting to hear from my DIL to see if she thinks I should take my grandson this afternoon. In a way I would be happy to skip today.
I have no other plans. I will stay home and take it easy. Tomorrow we will be going to the trailer. We haven’t been there for two weeks.
It looks crummy outside. DULL!!! RAIN! YUK!
A man here swindled a lot of people, all seniors, out of money just like MADOFF. It is so disgusting. The poor seniors who at an old age have to start worrying about their finances. I think men like him have to be punished publicly. They should be made to work twenty four hours a day so they can make some type of restitution. It is so hard to know whom to trust these days. Maybe we should put all our money under our mattress………….
I have been rereading my entries. I am not sure how many I have left as I am not reading them in any type of order. I am curious to know why some ODERS don’t mind if others read their diary. There are times I am so fed up with someone etc. I write things things that I wouldn’t want people to read. Can it be that other ODERS are so honest with their friends and families that they can tell them anything and everything? I certainly can’t and wouldn’t. I have some nasty thoughts sometimes about everyone. These entries are getting deleted!
My friend keeps getting very bad news from her doctors. She is also in pain and nothing is helping. I offered to help or do something but I don’t know what I can do. Any ideas? I think I’ll call another friend to see what she says.
Anyhow that’s aLL FOLKS!

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