I have been keeping busy and therefore happy. Each day I have been going out to buy some things for our Passover holiday which starts on Friday. My daughter and her boyfriend are coming on Friday. So I am making two seders – Friday we’ll be five of use and Saturday ten. I use to have a lot more people but this year I decided ENOUGH! It is just too much work and too hard.
Tomorrow my cleaning lady is coming so I will bring up some Passover dishes. I certainly am not bringing up the amount I use to. We will only be two most of the holiday. We will use some plastic etc. I have all the food in the house that I need for the holidays. Tomorrow I will make the chicken soup. I will freeze it for Friday and Saturday nights. On Tuesday I will make the meatballs. We will have them for supper and I will freeze the rest for the weekend.
This morning I went to buy some chicken as friends told me it was CHEAP. So of course I bought a few other things. Then I went to the butcher to buy a standing rib. The one they had was too small so I asked them for a bigger one. I would be embarrassed to tell you how much it costs!!!!!!! I will make it for Saturday night because we will be ten. I also bought two small lamb briskets. I never made them before but they were cheap. I don’t know if they are mostly fat. I guess I’ll find out.
Then I came home. I put everything away and then had lunch. Then I had a nap. I don’t know why the minute I’m staying home I have a nap. I worked on my weaving beads for awhile. I am not sure I remember how to take the bracelet off. I don’t want to call the store so hope I can figure it out myself.
Tonight we were going to go to a movie but my friend couldn’t find one for us and the men so we just went to Pizza Hut.
We’re home now. I am going to work on my weaving.
Take care. Stay safe. Stay well.
Glad you are having fun. You need it and deserve it. Very best wishes, A
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