I wonder how you celebrate Christmas and or Hanukah when the children are grown and out of the house. I have my decorations for Hanukah all over the living room. Slowly I will start to decorate and then put up the tree. However it is just NO FUN for me without little ones around to buy and give presents. There is just no excitement!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to invite someone over for supper tomorrow night but hubby wasn’t interested. I don’t even know if we will light the candles. It just isn’t the same without children. 
Last night I made salmon latkes for supper. They turned out delicious. I made extra so froze the rest for Saturday night. I have some leftover mashed potatoes so will make latkes with those too. I will freeze them also. I don’t want too much to do at the last minute. I also want to make some type of vegetable latkes and maybe bake some others.
Tomorrow morning I have a meeting from my Stained Glass club. Then I have some messages to do after lunch. I need some loot bags for my Hanukah party. I have to go to the bank. I have to buy chocolate fondue………………..I’ll mail some stuff to the kids. I have something to mail to one of my nieces.
Nothing doing at night. Hubby mentioned a movie so maybe we’ll go to one after supper. Have to see what’s playing close by.
So yesterday I did the Wii for thirty and swam for 30. I was the only one in the pool so stayed in the shallow end. I know that they say NOT to swim alone but I was there and I wanted to exercise.
I am not sure if I’ll do any baking for Saturday night. Someone is bringing fruit so I am going to make a chocolate fondue.
I guess that’s it folks. I should get some more sleep. Same old same old. Just different night.

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December 1, 2010

you know, i think you’re right. holidiays just aren’t the same without children. take care,

December 1, 2010

Holidays are for kids – or kid-like adults! You do express your creativity – what with the cooking, the crafts, etc. That is SO satisfying.

December 1, 2010

Chocolate fondue sounds good. I’m attempting to back Challah. I’m completely intimidated by bread baking. Just celebrate for you.

December 1, 2010

I wonder what it’ll be like when my kids are grown. Hoping they stay close to home, I guess!

December 1, 2010

I find it hard to get excited about Christmas anymore now that I do not have small children, I guess that will change when I have grandkids. I do not even decorate anymore, it is too much trouble it seems. To me it is just like any other day lately.

Yes, it’s kind of sad to have no children around at the holidays. I guess it’s time to set new (and simpler) traditions. I personally would love to come over and eat your delicious food and receive gifts! I bet your friends would as well!

December 1, 2010

the salmon latkes sound delicious…I have made potatoe latkes before, and like them. I agree such celebrations are not the same without children around…but there are many children without families or the means to celebrate tyhat would enjoy any little gift or shared time doing such things as decorating. Why don’t you take a pile of decorations to a local children’s home and ask if you can help them put them up? Just a thought. The delight on their faces will be great reward for you. hugs P

Hubby and I have become involved in providing gifts on a personal level through angel trees, etc. I truly helps us keep the spirit alive, because you’re right…it’s so much more when kids are involved.