Slowly I am getting ready for my Hanukah party on Saturday night. I’ve shopped and shopped so I should have all the food I need in the house. I’ve decorated our Hanukah bush. I LOVE IT! It’s so pretty!!!!! I just sat for awhile in the living room enjoying the tree and lights. I was falling asleep so decided to close the lights an come here. I’ve emptied part of the room so we have an extra table in her for people to sit and eat.
WE have this amazing laser dreidle!!!! I bought it at Target. I went to get another one today so I could send it to my grandchildren but they had none left. None in any of the stores close by. The store in Boynton Beach is suppose to have some. Maybe I’ll call there on Sunday and if they have any I’ll drive over. It’s at least 45 minutes north of here. Is it worth it? Probably not but I’m sure my grandchildren would enjoy it.
Tomorrow I have to prepare some food for the party. I didn’t want to do it today as I think it will be better fresh!!!!! I will make:

sweet potato latkes and regular potato latkes
vegie salad
pinwheel sandwiches
pasta salad

Other stuff I will serve:

vegie lasagna
eggplant pancakes
vegie quiche
bagels with cream cheese and lox

Someone is suppose to be bringing a salmon dish. Another woman is suppose to be bringing fruit which I plan to use for a fondue – my chocolate fountain.
Not sure what else. I guess no one will starve.
Tomorrow morning I have a meeting from the Art Club. Then I’ll come back and prepare some food. If the meeting finishes early I may go swimming. I missed today.
I went to mail some stuff. I went to look for the dreidle. Most important I went to the bank to deposit some money.
Now that the Hanukah party is almost over I will be shopping LESS!!!! At least I hope so as I want to reduce my accounts.
My son is coming around the 20th. My daughter will be coming about the 16th. She’s still looking for a cheap plane ticket. My son is turning 40 December 14. When I was home I told him that if he didn’t come here for his birthday I would go home. Now I don’t want to but not sure if I should. I talked to him about it and he said it’s ok but he also said that he didn’t know how he would feel on the actual day!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had never said anything about going home. Maybe I’ll check into plane fares……………I just checked into plane fares – it’s approximately 200 to fly home and another 400 to return. I spoke to my son and apologized for NOT going home but told him we would give him an extra birthday present. He seemed happy enough with that. It’s sad though that if someone died we would rush home but for a happy occasion we think twice or thrice! He was at a restaurant. I’m happy as he seems to be keeping busy socially which he never did. Of course I didn’t ask who he was with. ALONE? With his brother?????? So I’m at peace I guess with my changed decision of NOT going home.
So that’s it for now. Are you getting ready for the holidays?????????????? What are your plans?????

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Your “edited” comment is very thought-provoking…why is it that we are that way, I wonder?

I agree… that’s a good point! We don’t place that much importance on birthdays in our family – not sure why! Of course… funerals happen once, birthdays every year. Your food sounds wonderful, and I’m intrigued by the laser dreidle. I’m busy stitching up ornaments and garlands and stuff. Will post pics this weekend! 🙂

December 2, 2010

I wish I had just a few of your many obvious talents. Maybe if I had the time…:)

Oooo I wonder what eggplant pancakes are like, I LOVE eggplant 😀

December 2, 2010

Haven’t done a thing yet :/

December 2, 2010

Hi Ginger Rogers!Whats a laser dreidle?Never heard of it.You are a fantastic cook by the sound of it,yum!Might try some of those recipes myself.You must be the last of the big spenders!I agree that celebrations are nothing without the children,they always bring such fresh delight!I do hope you Hanuaka went really well and all your preparations were appreciated too!Love and hugsxxx

December 2, 2010

Random.. Would you mind sharing the recipe for eggplant pancakes? Thanks! Your party sounds great. You should take pictures of the food table. I bet it will be beautiful with all of your dishes. Happy Hanukkah..!!!