This morning I had my fist drumming lesson. It wasn’t what I expected at all. I was thinking more of a drumming circle. Anyhow it was ok and I will continue. Was it ever noisy!!!!!!!! I was at the clubhouse early. I sat outside the music room waiting for ten o’clock. BIG MISTAKE!!!!!!!!! Others went into the room and had drums assigned to them. I just had bells and a drumming thing – not sure what it’s called! I thought I would be able to use the drum I made. NOPE!! 
This afternoon I am going for lunch with a friend and then maybe to a bookstore. It’s actually a perfect day to sit at the pool. Maybe if we aren’t out that long I’ll go to the pool after. I’m not going to encourage any shopping.
Tonight we have a show – some type of comedian. 
Time to leave for lunch.




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January 5, 2011

I love that you are sooo stinkin’ active:) You go girl!

January 5, 2011

you certainly do keep yourself busy. i’d be exhausted if i kept up your schedule. take care,

January 5, 2011

it sounds like an interesting community – many things to do and time to do your own thing.

January 5, 2011

During the summer we do a drumming circle, it is too loud to be indoors!