I am sure that my children know in some small way that LLL was very important in our lives. Here I want to explain to them the full extent of their influence.
I went to my first LLL meeting when my eldest was just three months old. I remember I was wearing a green pant suit. The meeting was in Westmount. I went because I was having trouble nursing. I remember that I had started solids. When I was at the meeting I learned that I didn’t need to start solids so young. Of course I was a young new mother so I didn’t have confidence in their suggestions. I continued attending meetings for over twenty years. I became a leader and held many different positions throughout the years.
We found out I was pregnant with my daughter at a LLL conference in Atlanta. It was held downtown and we were warned NOT to go out of the hotel! My hubby and sons were with me. I attended conferences alone, with my nursing baby and whole family at different times.
Even though the league was devoted to breastfeeding I learned so much through the years. I know that our close, happy family is because I was a member.
So what did I learn??????
1. The newborn was mine and I could do what I wanted. Just because the doctor or nurse suggested something didn’t mean that I had to do it. The baby was MINE! I nursed when the baby wanted and I didn’t introduce bottles. The league gave me confidence in myself.
2. I learned how to discipline my children with love, and kindness.
3. I learned how to communicate with people and my children of course. I learned NOT to say no. I learned to say let me think it over, give me a few minutes…….. My daughter’s first word was not NO. I learned to LISTEN! I learned to look at a person’s eyes.
4. I learned to make my home child and baby friendly so I didn’t have to keep telling them DON’T TOUCH!
5. I learned that my children come first.
6. I learned to spend time with my children and to enjoy them.
7. I learned that spending time with my children was more important then a new TV or car.
8. I learned what I should feed them. I learned to read the ingredients on labels. I learned to trust their appetite. If food is available most children will not starve. 
9. I learned to respect my children.
10. I learned to talk to them and not to punish! If I spoke to them and explained things it was enough.
11. I learned to accept their behaviour as age appropriate. Everyone spills milk. All I needed to do was get them to clean up. They didn’t need harsh reprimands.
12. Last but not least I learned to treat them as individuals.
13. I learned about natural childbirth.
14. I learned how to take responsibility for myself and my family.

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July 11, 2011

i like this. we should all learn this about ourselves and our children. take care,

July 11, 2011

that’s good! I think a lot of people assume that being a good mother comes naturally, of course we all know that is not true and we can use all the help we can get.

July 11, 2011

Loved this. Love,

July 11, 2011

This is a wonderful piece about the support system so needed by mothers, especially young or first-time mothers. Our society is so sure about so many things but we let the moms flounder, so groups such as LLL are even more important!

I agree with some things LLL teaches and other things I do not. I do know that they really helped me when I was trying to nurse my eldest child. I was able to nurse all three children due to their help.:)

July 11, 2011

yes, they are a great organization….its valued here too. hugs P

July 12, 2011

You are one of the best moms to guide others now as well. I wish more young mothers, including myself, could attend meetings like that. Thanks for sharing.

Good advice there. That would be so cool if opendiary writers used the same advice with other writers. Friendly advice that is healthy and peaceful for all.

July 15, 2011

Very nice 😀 When I have kids, I know some of my ideas will change, but I already have my parenting “ideas” and “philosophy” figured out 😀