I was watching Dr. Phil the last few days. I saw men who were abusive and it started me thinking as I made spaghetti.
There is so much in our society that we should not be proud of. Of course there is also a lot we should be proud of. But right here I am going to write about things I am not proud of.

1. Abuse is epidemic. Abuse of parents, children and between spouses. What causes all this abuse?
2. Work ethics are so low. Employees do not do their best. They are not conscientious. Employers and employees are not loyal to each other.
3. We are a violent society. We are always at war. We do not take care of our veterans. We get involved in other country’s politics when we should concentrate on our own country.
4. We are very materialistic(and I am one for sure) and that comes before families especially before children.
5. We are overly concerned with our appearance. Others who don’t look "normal" are shunned.
6. We do not look after the elderly.(of course there are exceptions to every rule!) So many elderly languish in hospitals without a visitor.
7. Work is shoddy. How many accidents are there because people don’t care, work too fast or are just concerned about making the almighty buck.
8. Last but not least babies and toddlers are left in daycares. No one to love them and cuddle them. Families are under so much pressure. What for? another car? another TV?
9. Why is there so much divorce? Why can’t grown-ups make a commitment and stick to it? Forget about love. LOVE IS SEX especially at the beginning. Marriage is about communication, compromise and commitment. Think carefully before getting married.
10. Breasts should not be considered just as sex objects. Breast are meant to feed babies. Why is alright to have porno all over but a mother can’t feed her baby anywhere but the bathroom? 
11. Women dress "naked." Look at skaters at the Olympics. Why do men wear pants and shirts and women wear mini skirts or less? Is that not worse, much worse than a mother feeding her baby? Maybe the religions that have their women cover up are right. Look at all the young girls who go around with mini mini skirts and sleeveless blouses or worse? There doesn’t seem to be any respect for women. Why is sex used to sell almost every product?

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April 30, 2007


April 30, 2007

that’s right!

April 30, 2007

I saw that show too. those two should be ashamed of themselves. I can’t wait to see Dr. Phil sock it to them!

April 30, 2007

I wish that people spent more time at home with their families than at that huge sale that they have to have..whatever is such a good deal. My question is why did we have children if we care more about material stuff than we care about our own children?

April 30, 2007


May 1, 2007

But the point of making women cover up in those societies is that women’s sexuality is considered a source of temptation….in other words, “evil” or “sinful.” They’re not asked to cover up because they are respected. hugs, Weesprite