It’s been raining and pouring here for weeks on end. No need to go to a pool. There are pools of water right outside our door. I have been lying around all day. I have been sleeping most of the day. What the hell will I do tonight? Hubby says when it stops raining so hard we will go into town. I suggested we pack up and go home. He says it is almost bedtime. For him he is right!!! For me I might not be able to fall asleep but one never knows.


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I keep thinking about the card and decorations I have to prepare for my DIL’S party tomorrow night!!!! I hope I can find something suitable at TARGET. If not I will just have to design my own card and so be it. Of course I can also go to the party store when we drive home tomorrow. It’s just that it’s on my mind and I hate that.

I wish I could just relax! Hubby has been playing games on his IPAD ALL DAY!!!!!!! He is sitting in the same chair hardly moving. I can’t!!!!!! I wish I could. Maybe I could if I was noshing something. Just like when I drive to Florida I nosh a lot of the way.

I hope I get my tricycle at the beginning of the week. I can’t wait to ride it. I just hope and pray that I like it. I still have to get a bell and lights.

I think I’ll look for a poem on turning 40. Maybe I’ll look up decorations for a fortieth birthday party.
Maybe just maybe the rain will slow down so we can go into town. On the other hand maybe we’ll eat supper and go to sleep. The when we wake up we’ll leave very early.


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