I had another busy but fun day with family and friends. In the morning I had breakfast and read the paper with hubby. Then I went shopping with a friend. I wanted to get the box for ornaments at Target. In the end it was too big but at least I know where my ornaments are and they are safe. We bought some stuff to send our grandchildren. I bought them jigsaw puzzles. Hubby, I and the kids finished a 2000 piece puzzle last night. The kids really spent a lot of time doing it. We bought a new one of New York which is only 1000 pieces. I found the 2000 one much too big to do. It also took up the whole table in the Florida room so we couldn’t eat out there. I suggest that everyone work on one as a family. It is captivating and brings everyone together.
We went to the Dollar store. Then to Hallmark. I bought a book for my grandchildren to record for my hubby. Then I’ll send them one for me. It’s fun for them and for us. They started to make pictures and send them every other week. Maybe I’ll have to put them in some type of album.
I dropped my friend off. I came home. I made lunch. Then we took down the tree. I thought I would leave it up longer but I was ready and so was my hubby. So all the HANUKAH DECORATIONS are put away for another year!
In the afternoon I went swimming with my son and daughter. The water was wonderful in the indoor pool but it was freezing when we came out. They did a wonderful job redecorating the locker rooms. Sadly the sauna was not working yet.
We went to HURRICANE for supper. Delicious wings and fries. That’s it for eating out for this week. We’ll eat in the rest of the week.
I am enjoying my older children very much. I wish they would live with us always but of course they have to grow up and move on. We all miss my other son but what can we do. He has a family that ties him down.
So my daughter just walked in after 12. It’s time for bed. We have a big day planned for tomorrow. My daughter and I are going shopping at SAWGRASS!!!!!! It’s a huge shopping center. I wouldn’t go but she wants to go and doesn’t want to go alone.
So that’s it from Ginger. NIGHTY NITE NITE!



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My mum bought this puzzle mat. You can put all the piecees on it and they sort of stick to the felt. Then, you roll it up. It is a wonderful thing to have.

ryn -No, I haven’t read the Harlen Coben book, but I am aware of his writing. I do mean to read his books. I think I read that he was is a favorite writer of one of the American presidents, Pres. Clinton, maybe.

I think this is all so sweet and precious…

December 26, 2010

Glad you are enjoying your children!

December 26, 2010

wonderful sleep well. hugs P

December 27, 2010

Dear Ginger, the best of all holidays, B”H live happy and enjoy the simpler things in life like going shopping, reading a news paper. I wish you happyness gezint. and all the things that make us all smile.BTW some old lady you are!lol live happy.

December 27, 2010

It is lovely to hear how upbeat you are and what a wonderful time you are having. Families should have fun together. Happy New Year!

December 27, 2010

Sounds like loads of fun. Love,

wow lol you went shopping? guess you are some of the few who do not have snow lol. we have mountains and mountains of snow