I called that one.

This entry will probably be all over the place, so please be patient.
So, I need to put a song title because the OCD in me doesn’t like the whole “I called it” title.
After I Confessed
ahem. That’s better. Now for some music to set the mood. Of course, Duran Duran.
Well shit. I forgot coffee. Let me pause the song. I might as well have a smoke, too.
Jeez. 4 pm already? Crazy.
So This morning I get a message from Pam copied from Prosebox “Oh my. This is hard. How do I even start? Hopefully you are sitting down for this. All right, here it goes… Prosebox is closing down”
Now. When Open Diary came back PB went down just like that ::snaps fingers:: Oh sure. Just a glitch, but my conspiratorial mind just said “I knew it, I knew it, I KNEW IT!” Then it popped back up, and I said “oh cool. All is well in the world.”
Yeah. I guess I should just listen to myself. Pam was thinking the same as I was. We were just wondering and waiting for the “sorry folks” entry.
I already exported all my entries, and left my “good bye” entry with my facebook link, email address, a note saying if you want my snail mail I can give that too. I love sending postcards… that’s a different entry though. I’ll keep checking PB for notes and such until it closes. Which is… the 15th? Meh.
I still think it’s funny how all of this happened. It just sucks for everyone who doesn’t have lifetime memberships and can’t pay to write. It just sucks hard donkey dicks. I’m afraid I’m going to lose touch with a lot of new friends that I made over at PB. One in particular lives semi close by. A short train ride. I left her a reply on her note again saying that we WILL meet up for coffee one of these damn days. ::sigh::
In other news, I’ve been busy with the cleaning thing. I mean, I’m not raking in the dough yet, but maybe, maybe it will happen. I have … 11 clients? I had to draw up a contract for them to sign because I had a couple of problem children that kept canceling at the last minute. Unfortunately a chunk of the clients moved to bi-weekly or monthly because of the clause. lol and one of the problem children still canceled, although she gave me a few days notice so she didn’t have to pay the penalty.
I do need to draw up a contract for the bed and breakfasts. I have absolutely no issues with the Alpenhorn (mostly) but the AirBnB place that I take care of… the owner lives in KS and just kind of has his head up his ass about it all. He just books the house and doesn’t really care about anything else. They are quick to get the check in the mail though. There’s that, at least.
For instance. We exchanged several texts about a few bookings, talked about the new washer that isn’t working (he transported it on it’s side… um. I’m sure that’s not supposed to happen), and the crappy weather. I go there on a Sunday to clean and I’m punching in the code to get in, and nothing. Tried several times thinking I’m the one being stupid. No luck. I know I’m not going to get a quick response from the owner so I head home. Sent a text saying “couldn’t get in. Did you change the code?” An hour later he sends back “oh yeah. Sorry. It’s ****** now” OMG I was just a bit pissed off.
Now, this really fucked up my schedule. I didn’t know that it would, but it did.
I went to a new clients house, did a deep clean. Took about 4.5 hours. House was clean to begin with (fucking house is HUGE though. These people have big bucks. No Joke), but then I went to their daughters house. Oh. Oh I was not expecting what I found there. I did what little I could, then “noped” out of there because of dickhead AirBnB’s place that I still had to clean. I felt horrible because I did a half… not even a half ass job. More like a quarter of an ass.
The new clients totally understood and agreed to have me come back today. I got the place pretty good this time plus did a shit-ton of their laundry. Well, 4 loads, and left one in the dryer. There was still a mountain of laundry to be done, but I was done cleaning. I charge extra for laundry, so in all honesty I did not mind doing it at all. I told the mom (the one who is paying me) that if they want me to come weekly, or bi-weekly or whatever I’ll work them into the schedule.
Ok, see, it’s kind of a messed up situation. They wanted to hire me weekly, but their old housekeeper that up and left came back saying that she had money problems and could she have her position back. Ok, I get it because I’m a huge bleeding heart, too. So they took her back, and will have me come monthly for a deep clean until she up and leaves again. The daughter though. Well, I don’t think this particular housekeeper can handle the daughters house (from what mom told me, the housekeeper isn’t as good as I am ::pats self on shoulder::). This daughter has 3 kids, two teen boys and a girl that I don’t know how old she is. Judging by her clothes size I would say 8-10 years old. Maybe older. she has makeup. Meh. Whatever. Kids are kids and leave a mess. Then they have 4 dogs. All inside/outside. lol their nice clean floors are probably muddy from them coming in after I left. Anyhoo (sorry, see? all over the place) 2 cats, and a rabbit. Daughter works full time, probably way more than full time. I don’t know what the husband does because he’s been home in the shop both times I’ve been there. Nice guy. So, the house is a mess with all of the people and animals. If I do a “better job” than the other, then maybe they’ll want me weekly. Cross your fingers. It will probably take me 4 hours, even 5 depending on what I find when I go there.
Criminy. Long entry about nothing. I guess I’m going to end it here for now. I might be back. I have a brain full of stuff.
But for now, I’m going to get more coffee.
See ya.
I am drinking coffee while reading this. I am also wishing you lived closer, so I could save up money and have you come in and do a deep clean on this mess of an apartment I live in. Then have you come back every week or two for more normal kinds of cleans. I can dream.
@meexplorer I would not mind cleaning for you at all. And if you were home, and needed organizing done, I’m pretty good at that, too. As long as I know what is a “keeper” and what is not.
Plus, I know you would keep me in coffee while I cleaned
@gilraent_1 A never ending supply of coffee.
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@tempestuous1 Hello my friend! Sooooo glad to see you here! w00t w00t!!
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