25 Lighters


5:04 am

Wandering1 had a good idea about charting my pain here on PB. I mean, it’s not like I’m not writing here anyways, right? I can just use my Fibromy Ass book. I will try the app on my kindle yet again. When I hurt my back I was charting religiously. I know I’m not going to get anywhere with the doctor without charting my pain. Hell. I won’t get anywhere with her about my pain with the charting. ::sigh::

lol I woke up with shit on my mind. Do you think I can remember any of it? Nope! Not one thing.

I’ll get more coffee. Maybe that will help.

1:31 pm
Snow. Big fat fluffy flakes that fell fast and furious (I think that’s enough “F”s for one sentence). While I was at work, I kept checking out the window and the road looked fine. Maybe 20 minutes passed and the road was covered. OCD man told me to go home. I’m glad he did because it wasn’t a fun drive. Because the slushy mess was piling up on either side of the lane, and in the middle, if you hit it, it would jerk the car to the side.

On my way home I drove like an old fart. I had to swerve around a tree that fell over on the highway, and there was a car in a ditch. Someone had already pulled over to help so I kept driving. It would have been a dangerous place for me to pull over anyways.

So I’m home enjoying a few cups of coffee before I tackle a couple of tasks. I don’t know what I want to do first. Make juice, or futz with the papers that are in the file thingy that hangs on the side of the desk. lol I still have MAR’s in there from when I worked at Victorian Manor and had to bring work home.

I think I’m going to do the juice first. lol I hate paperwork. Save the worst for last.

See ya.

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March 11, 2018

no get the worst over with and celebrate, girl!