Norah Jones Live



Having a great night with Norah Jones. XDD I am not telling others, dun think to any wrong sides, of coz i m not having a dinner or some other things with her. I just gone to see her concert!

It’s a very nice night. She doesn’t like any other HK singers, waiting for a long time and enter to the stage slowly. I’ve been late due to traffic jam><, but she dosen't wait for me. XDD

In the one and half hour concert, I am sitting at the side and far away from Norah. But there is one time Norah says hi to the back. We all very happy to saying back hi to her.

The most things she said is Thank You. “Thank you” all the time. Actually, HK ppl are quite quiet. We didn’t say or act a lot. Sometimes Norah’s hands are making beat for us, but no one moves. (only me having a little clapping sound with beat:P)

However, when it is about time to encore, a lot of ppl rushed to the front of the stage. And all the ppl, except sitting in the mountain places, are all stand up. of coz, not including me:P.

I just think that the ppl going to the concert are partners or lovers. However, i can easily find the lonely one likes me anywhere. At least i can find 3 in the row in front of me. hahaha… we can make friends. XDD

little report ends here.


A little report after watching Noarh Jones Live Concert. it is great~ and as i hv not too much time, i applogize my laziness for checking the grammar and leaving msg to most of u~ sorry~

and thanks for coming here^_^

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March 14, 2005

I’m sure it had been a great evening with Norah Jones. Cos’ she is Norah, not those HK local singers. ¤j¦h¼Æ­»´ä¤H¬Ý¥~°êºq¤âªººt«µ·|®É¡A¦h¼Æ³£«O¯d¤F¥L­Ì¬Ý­»´äºq¤âªººt°Û·|ªº²ßºD¡C ¯¸µÛ¬Ý¡AÀHµÛ­µ¼Ö¦Ó°ʨ­Åé¡Aµ¹ºt«µªÌ¾A·íªº¦^À³¡A §Úı±o¬O¹ïºt«µªÌªºÂ§»ª©M´L­«¡C

March 14, 2005

btw, can u make the time to watch Avril?

Norah Jones, §Ú¤]Å¥¹L¦oªººqar~(´¿¦b¹q¥x¼½©ñ¹Lªº…Sunrise…«Ü§ç±¡…)¤£¹L¹ï¦oÃÑ»{¤£¦hXP ¥i¥H¿Ë²´ªY½à¨ì¦Û¤v³ß·Rºq¤âªíºt¡A¨º¬O¤@¥ó«Ü°ª¿³ªº¨Æ­ù!!!

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March 14, 2005

ªL¤@®p³£ªY½àÊ©O~ ^_^

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March 15, 2005

haha~ it must be really great!!

March 15, 2005

re: ¹q¥x90x ¾Ì¤@¦Ü¤­ ¤l©]®É¥÷ ­Ùx¥D«ùªº (Á¿¨ì¦n¥X³â^^) (³q±`²Ä¤G­ÓÄÁ±µÅ¥²³¹q¸Ü³£«Yºë±m³¡¥÷,¥i¤WºôÅ¥µf,·¥¤O±ÀÂË)

March 15, 2005



March 19, 2005

noral jones ¥hhk §r?? §Ú³£·QÚ»§r>_<~

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March 20, 2005

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March 21, 2005

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March 22, 2005
