Thursday, August 22rd, 2019

I know, a boring title, but I had no other ideas.  Today was just that kind of day. Nothing significant to report. I worked. I pushed myself to get into some of my pending projects. Things I’ve been putting  off for lack of time and it’s time. We are SLOOOOOOOWWW.  Which in theory is good but it’s somehow translated to far less motivation for me.  On top of which I’ve just been feeling like garbage this week.  Aches, joint pain, headaches that won’t quit. One of a few different things is happening:  I’m fighting off some illness that little M brought home from school. It is the second week and she usually carries in something,  I’m having some major PMS, or I’m detoxing because I’ve cut out so much crap.

I ordered some bananas for potassium because J at work suggested that when he started drinking a lot of water he found he wasn’t getting enough and I’m just going to take it easy.  We’re a day out from the weekend either way.

This weekend I need to get a shit ton of housework done and sleep and play some video games.  I’ve not been playing Sims the last couple of weeks and there is a new pack out and an expansion coming so I think I’ll get into that.  I’m also going to spend some time in Second Life looking for a new place to live because crazy stalkerina is back at it and it’s just easier if she doesn’t know where I live. I posted my current home in my profile because I thought it was fun to have her visit and get her all riled up but I’m over wanting to deal with her crazytown ways and it’s time to hide while I figure out how I can either get her  blocked permanently despite her multiple alt avatars or figure out who she is.  If she is indeed a she. I guess I don’t really know that either.

I’m not the greatest human being on the planet but I don’t THINK I’ve done anything that would prompt this type of response from another human being.  I’m still betting it’s a troll situation, someone who just happened upon M and I, but the fact that she knows we’re together in real life probably means it’s someone we’ve interacted with.

Oh well, a problem for another night.


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August 23, 2019

Oh man, someone else on here is way into Sims. I’ve been debating if I should be trying it out. And I did not know that Second Life was still around. I never got into it

August 23, 2019

@heffay Definitely would recommend The Sims. It’s great for all types of gamers whether you’re into the actual game play or just building and sharing.  So much fun. Second Life…it’s got it’s ups and downs.

August 23, 2019

I’m sorry you haven’t been feeling well. I hope you feel better soon.

Happy Friday!