Baltimore Album Quilt, 1850’s, Cotton, Mingei Museum

Time seems to float on by me these days. Sometimes it pauses.  I can feel that.  I read a chapter, look up, and only moments have passed.  I can sew the whole back of a quilt, with severe measurement problems and me failures, and only an hour passes.


Yet, nearing time to sleep, time seems to compress it’s self until little gets done.  No pauses that I notice.  Dinner…I read a good mystery while I cook.  I keep quiet and simple as does the meal.  Dishes?  Gotta find fabric to finish the back of the quilt instead.  I have no time to get things done after dinner if I want to catch a favorite show.

Today, I am taking unworn clothing out of my closet while himself plays computer games.  I shouldn’t feel annoyed as it is my suggestion that he does his.  I’m bothered in a guilty sort of way.  My stack is bigger than his stack sort of thing.

Time seems wrapped tightly this afternoon.  I need to relax and enjoy the watery sunshine, enjoy visiting Poolie, enjoy G’s birds fluttering in the trees.

I too need to pause.

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January 15, 2018

Like an inch worm, isn’t it? Yes, pausing is a fine thing.

January 15, 2018

I’d give a pretty penny to have time slow down for a while. The days go by in an absolute blur. You might remember that my wife purchased a quilting machine years ago – I sure wish you were close enough to stop by and show her how to use it! Road trip?