Off to works, working, and Work

Again, I have only six minutes then I have to be up, dressed, and outta here. G is snoring away in the next room, and I am heading out into what the weather man calls a fine day.

Yesterday the air was filled with black and grey clouds scudding across the sky at flank speed. I cranked the heater up and hid from the squalls behind my desk until the computer man came to take my chair. They are trying to network my yard to the main office, and it isn’t working yet. I shut the weather out while the man was in my chair and Frazier hid under the trailer.

The minute he left, all was back to normal. Customers started arriving again, Frazier curled up in his box, drivers flowed in and out, and I almost finished my latest mystery. G arrived glowing with vacation vitality just as the last customer arrived then we were off into the dark in our weekend’s convertible.

We are looking forward to this. Let us just hope our guests are….that Duck has recovered from his flu enough to enjoy a ride with the top down. Our other guest is recovering from a heart attack and has sleeping sickness. The cold always helps keep him awake. All we can do is offer this little evening and hope it works.

Speaking of works……I’m off to work. You have a good one too.

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Cute background!

December 12, 2003

And a good day to you too. 🙂

December 12, 2003

Ha! I have TEN minutes to get dressed and get out of here. Enjoy your weekend!

December 12, 2003

ryn: thank you, and yes, she’s a real ham! you have a good one too!

Gosta luv that vacation vitality! I hope your weekend Journey is Big Fun. Be safe!

December 12, 2003

Your week-end sounds great! I hope you have beautiful weather for it. Enjoy! xoxo

December 12, 2003

Yes, your weekend sounds like a real winner….have a wonderful time and thoroughly enjoy ! Warm thoughts & smiles to you…..

December 12, 2003

Enjoy and the Best of Times !!!!

You are one of the most gracious curmudgeons I know. 😉 RYN: You said it sistah!

RYN: That is very sweet…. ^_^ Sad too…

RYN: You’re the greatest! I heard you loud and clear, dear. I’m listening. Have a great drive today!

December 12, 2003

oh, happy weekend adventure!

December 12, 2003

Up, dressed and outta here in 6 minutes!! Wow! I’m impressed!

December 12, 2003
December 12, 2003

the weather has been terrible here just the same as there. What a shame too, it astonishes me how much the weather can effect our day….

December 13, 2003

Hope you had a good evening. What are you reading?