It’s a warm sweater day. Yesterday was even worse. I’m spoiled and not used to the day time weather being so cold at the beach. Then again, youngest daughter is driving to her new job in the snow. Eldest daughter is driving in the rain. It’s sunny here until the next wave of rain comes through.
Did I forget how it used to be to live in a single wall cottage right off the beach?
I almost finished pricing all the nautical books yesterday. I did not find “Dry Cargo Ships.” At work, in the office, there are more unpriced books boxed. I’ve learned a lot about pricing collections and about pricing nautical books too. I will deal with them today just to finish the project.
Did I mention that our garage is still lined with boxes of cookbooks.
I’m getting better at laughing at myself.
Himself: “I am really fine today.”
Herself: Vastly better after swimming in zinc for three days.
Reading: Louise Penny’s “How the Light gets In.”
Captain Poolie: Her ashes were scattered at sea and many photos were put on Facebook.
Gratitude’s: That G and I chose to stay on dry land.
Yes, staying off the water is likely one reason your are both better! Cookbooks are certainly becoming a relic. Along with landlines and phone booths.
Ae there any phone booths left? Did I mention, we have a landline that proved its usefulness when our area lost power for eons. 🙂
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I am impressed by you learning how to price various kinds of books. How did you do that research? I’m glad you’re better and that the cold has not won out. Dry land; laughing at yourself. Good things.
I’ll write an entry about this. Thanks.
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