Building a fire…….

Morning Elizabeth……..

Yes, I was here at the Biz Meeting in passing last night, and “in passing” are the operant words. Sunday is the last day for the list to send in head nods on agenda item 2. Since we have been unable to reach a consensus thanks to our one dissenting opinion, I need to invent a structured statement calling for a vote. I think a simple:

“We have not been able to reach a consensus on agenda item 2. Since we have not reached a consensus on this item, I will be calling for a vote. The next four day period this list will be open for discussion on item 2; the following four day period, the list will be open for discussion against item 2. Voting will be held at our next business meeting as we will have run out of time in this business meeting thanks to our one pigheaded, “I’m doing this just to wake people up” nay nodder.”


Seriously, escaping time does seem to be our problem, and thanks to our one argumentative Biz List Member we will be running out of it without some careful time management. Dear Secretary, how would you suggest structuring this so both sides of 2 get heard expeditiously and heard this business meeting? Can we communicate with this nay sayer?

On Monday I will see if we can reach a consensus on 3A and bring up 3B….these are the two important treasurer items on our agenda. There is no reason that we can’t do two things or even three things at once. I know our problem child will be apposed to both just to stir up our little grey cells. I still want to get all the way through our agenda in this 29 day period despite her opposition to everything.

I’m off to shuffle paper at the museum. Maybe there will be some sun so we can eat lunch outside amidst the nonexistent tourists. This will give us a break of something nice and quiet after the last two days at work. Yes, lots of daughter yesterday, and yes, more tears from me after some rude treatment on her part.

Not to make excuses, but I don’t think she knows she is so angry at me or rude to me. I think she believes she has taken care of all her childhood issues. I certainly believe she has not.

Yes, I loused the work computer up thoroly yesterday. Yes, I was carefully following Lenora’s instructions. When the computer guru got there in the late afternoon, he was very annoyed that I was not closing the second desk top his way. I ended up with six of the second desktops open and clogged up that boat anchor til it jammed and died. I hadn’t understood there were second desktops. I told him that in the name of peace with my daughter the boss, I had been doing it her way. He commented that it appeared to be an interesting learning curve….an overused phrase for the week. He understood. Now daughter and mother have been retrained on the double desktop system. G and the guru did a high five and discovered they both attended military colleges….G at NMI and Guru at The Citadel. Instant bonding.

Sorry you are dozing again. I assure you that yesterday I didn’t have one grey cell to rub against another so nothing caught fire. I seem to have three today, so I am saved. Maybe you too will be hit by a guru or two today and your blaze will light up the sky for ever and ever amen………

Yer friend the Chair (which is better than the sofa I was yesterday.)

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January 17, 2004

Them grey cells are dancing today, friend. Maybe you could bell the cat and make Mz Pighead responsible for her own actions? Sorry the boss/daughter dynamic is still flaring. It does sound like a mandatory resolution situation. Sunshine here. I hope you have some.

I don’t know you well, Georgette, so please forgive me if you’ve previously written of the answer to this question, but: Is it absolutely necessary to work for your daughter when you believe there are “issues” that cause you pain when you interact with one another?

January 17, 2004

This seems to be the week for desktop problems. The only harsh words spoken between Sarge and myself were about his desktop on the Corrections computer at work. He doesn’t understand computer speak and I forgot how to talk human speak. We both get frustrated. One solution was ten codes which we both speak fluently but there doesn’t seem to be a ten code for computer speak.

January 17, 2004

L O L ! ! ! ! G, I love you and love reading this site…. Hugs & smiles……..

January 17, 2004

The play on words at the end suggests the brain cells have recovered somewhat. 🙂

The grey cells seem to be very on the ball 🙂

January 17, 2004

Sounds like the nay-sayer wants to be in charge. I dislike people who aren’t willing to compromise to get things done. Loved the chair sofa ending commment. 🙂

January 18, 2004

I agree with the others-I love your last comment. I sure wish you could go back to being a lady of retired leisure. I give you so much credit for making things work with your daughter-I’m sure it must be a really tough situation at times and very difficult to bite your tongue. Hope today is restful. xoxo