George in his “Fall Out Four” computer game costume.

It’s time to fuss with the costumes.  His needs to go to the cleaners, and mine needs a jewelry change….perhaps a wig too.  The bonnet didn’t make it in my case, and he hated the Trump wig tho he was very funny in it.  It’s that time of year again when we rethink our costumes for the Comic Con weekend.

Our Spring calendars are filling up fast.  Coming up really soon is the “Spring Round Up.”  We’ve been on various Round Up committee’s for years.  This year we are both on the Marathon Meeting committee.  Yes, I am not really useful.  Yes too, there are AA and Alanon meetings from the first day 24 hours a day until the last day at seven in the morning.  Four full days.  G has supposedly filled them.  Now we see if these folks actually show up.  If not, we have a nice guy named Doc who is willing to find folks to run the meetings at any hour.

To ease the strain of all this, we have taken a hotel room at the Convention site.  The hotel has been sold, and it’s been modernized.  I’m not fond of the stark rooms.  I’m really not fond of the fact the main restaurant is closed for remodeling.  It’s going to be a very long walk to the hamburger joint on the other side especially if we are short on time.

Not so for Comic Con 2018.  We volunteer.  That helps a lot.  We take the car from home out to the Stadium in the Valley, then we take the trolley back into downtown.  Very easy parking, and a chance to buy out trolley tickets right there.  I only have to walk across the tracks to the convention center and the guy with the mobility scooters.

We both look forward to this.  It’s a good combination of childish fun and usefulness.  We can give back and eat our ice cream too.   We will keep you posted if we get caught dancing in the streets.

My ersatz Viking costume.


Himself:  He’s mostly taken the weekend off.  He worked at a very busy museum yesterday, then hauled me off to the new “Tomb Raiders.”  He flat out loved it.  Costco run today.  Games in the chill afternoon.

Herself:  Not paying attention to Portion Control this weekend.  Movies, M&M’s, animal  crackers, and other good stuff.  Movie too violent for me.  Found everything I had lost: Leg brace, costume, black vest.

Reading:  About a small Irish village Doctor.

Gratitude’s:  That letting go of everything I had mislaid let the stuff reappear.


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