The Fiance ( rip Aaron)

When I was a little girl there were a group of older boys I couldn’t stand. These boys were trouble, always instigating fights and jumping my brother and I never knew one of these boys I hated I would end up falling in love with and would change my life forever…




Aaron Gaffy was being his normal helpful self and commented on a post I made looking for a cell phone and when I arranged to buy the phone I never thought it would turn into a very intense conversation that lasted all through the night, surprisingly ending with phone sex which was something ive never done before but I had just left my abusive alcoholic husband of 10 years and was lonely, depressed, felt pretty ugly and needed that confidence boost. I didn’t think id hear from him after that.








Two days later I get a nice message from Aaron telling me he likes me and wants to get to know me and asked me out on a date. I of course said yes but was reluctant because I had just ended my marriage and thought I was rushing into things which I was and I wish I would’ve listened. Now what no one knew was I had relapsed and have been popping pills since my husband left and what I didn’t know was Aaron was also in active use but what I didn’t know was how bad and what drugs. He was a everyday user of heroin. I should have ran. Now I had promised myself id never do heroin, I wasn’t that stupid. But the jig was up… I couldn’t find pills, the sickness came. Aaron found out. He said he had something to help. I told him no heroin or fentanyl and he promised me that he doesn’t do that stuff and that he could get an oxy from his sick mother and I believed him.  Me being sick in bed shivering so bad I’m making the bed shake yet I had beads of small sweat drops dripping from me as if my body had no idea if it was hot or cold. My legs restless, kicking and punching my legs, crying in pain, wishing it would just be over. Wishing that I’d rather be dead then feel this. It seemed like an hour went by for Aaron to run next door and grab a magic little pill. It felt so long I thought it was intentional so that made me more nervous and angry at him. Makes no sense but I’m not rational and never will be but at last I hear him come through the door and he laid out a nice line for me to which I jumped up like a flash as if I was never sick at all and inhaled every last grain.  Immediately sigh of relief as I feel it rushing through my veins like a kiss and a hug from God himself and then my problems were over……for now .. until I found out that wasn’t oxy, he gave me fentanyl…




To be continued..


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