Part 2 “The Fiance”

I fell into what felt like a pillow made of boobs and cotton candy while being cuddled by a beautiful unicorn. That’s what it felt like. I was done for. Of course when I found out I was livid. I wanted to hurt Aaron for ruining my life but at the end of the day no one made me inhale that fentanyl. No one made me go get more, no one made me have to have it every day. I ended up strangely loving him for it. Yes I was grateful that he introduced me to fentanyl and then heroin because now I’m the best me I can be. Fuck was I delusional but being a drug addict you tend to live in that delusional state.


Weeks go by and I’m knuckle deep in addiction to heroin , but I would never use a needle. That is until I used one. It was over from there. Heroin consumed my life , every minute. Waking up in a lb of sweat , shaking, vomiting, shitting yourself, wishing you were dead. Selling your tvs, Xbox, whatever you can get money for. We got so bad into it that we traded our car for $60 bucks worth of heroin. Lost our apartment and lost my job. Now I’m living at my dad’s and my kids are living with their dad since my amazing dad said I could come but my kids couldn’t. He thought that would make me better but it made me worse. Now I’m being sent to a wonderful rehab in Florida. I’ll take you shopping Steph, I’ll get you whatever you want just please go. It’s not a drug rehab Steph, it’s a mental health rehab called connections in Hollywood Florida. All girls. I did have to worry. Free vacation why not? I agreed. I flew to Florida alone and wound up in Delray Beach Boynton Beach Florida and on my way to a substance abuse rehab called sobriety now. I felt fooled, lied to, scared , I thought I was being kidnapped..


To be continued

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