My name is Ani. I was born as Stephanie but that person is no longer me. She died a long time ago and like a Phoenix I resurged and am reborn and thought Ani would be a good fit. Any I’m on a mission to get my story out. I’m a 36 year old mother of two teenage boys, I’m a hair stylist, waitress, sister, daughter, aunt and wife, I was first runner up in the miss Evans pageant, I was selected by barbizon modeling school when I was 16, I was a model and modeled for clothing stores, a few magazines called retro lovely, vintage boudoir magazine, and baba Louis pin up magazine. I modeled for a reptile store and I also was a cheerleader on a team that was undefeated for two years straight and went to the nationals and placed 6th in the entire country. I’m also a heroin addict, I’m a crack addict, I’m a meth head, I’m a junkie. I lost my best friend since I was 11 years old and my fiance Aaron who was killed by my ex husband and was blamed on me, but most importantly I lost my children my siblings my parents, my whole entire family. I’m a survivor of rape, domestic violence, attempted murder, the Florida rehab shuffle, I’ve survived a few overdoses and I’m also suicidal. Or I was .. I’ve survived a few quite brutal attempts but the last one was enough to scare me straight. My story will be raw and unfiltered and it was be real and honest and I truly believe that my story will provide hope and motivation for others who need that support. Also please be kind and remember at the end of the day I’m a human and this is hard for me to get out but I know it will help others as well as help me and maybe one day my long lost son will read this and maybe he will understand and come back home to me.
I look forward to hearing your story. I’m sorry for what you’ve suffered, but it sounds like you’ve learned from it, and I can relate.
@oniongirl ty for that, it helps motivate me to just do it already lol
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