Alone in a crowded room
Have you ever felt alone, even in a room full of people??
Like you’re there surrounded by people and you feel the loneliest you’ve ever been.
Or you’re forced to fake a smile, when you literally feel like you’re dying inside?
I can work my job, I can make it through my day, I can fake that smile and laugh with the happiest people….
BUT my God I feel so alone most days. I have two great kids. A mother that loves me. A new man in my life that cares…..
Why the hell am I feeling this lonely and sad??
It started after I lost my father… I truly havent been the same since.
Loneliness is part of the human condition. It often makes us look around and feel gratitude for those in our lives that ease that pain. I have no people in my life. I have 2 birds. I am grateful for all they add to my life without trying. I appreciate those near or distant more because of loneliness.
@skobru Thank you for stopping by and posting a comment. I couldn’t imagine truly being alone…. “feeling” alone is bad enough for me… At least you’re not alone here… in the journaling world….
@genmarie90 Thank you and thanks for the inspiration
@skobru ALWAYS! i hate feeling alone… and have folks at my place… Im here for you Scott! You are not alone! 😊
@genmarie90 like so much in life you get used to it. Shift the mind from it. Â Focus elsewhere. Thank you for your kindness
@skobru anytime 🙂
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