The ebb and flow

Just when I thought I couldn’t stand another day working with him we spend hours sitting outside Starbucks from 1-4 AM talking about the most random of things.

Every relationship has an ebb and flow to it.  Somehow in the relationship between my business partner and I, just about the time I’m ready to kill him and, I’m assuming, he wants to kill me we have one of these fantastic conversations that makes me realize that not everyone has it this good.

We meander through multiple conversations and topics like a creek runs… back and forth with a general direction but in no hurry.  Some things just can’t be rushed…

The conversation started with my analogy of humans being walking needles; either we inject or draw sprit into, or out of, others.  Then onto my jealousy over religious people regarding the naivety and brightness that they possess and I don’t have.  The conversation moved to wisdom versus knowledge.  Then to old black people (who I believe personify learned wisdom (if you don’t believe me watch The Stand by Stephen King)), then onto religion and damnation.  My beliefs in religion and how they govern my morals.  Our family lives and the blessings we have because of family.  His father died last year and he’s learned so much about himself because of it.  Somehow I got onto the topic of the fall of American civilization because each of us no longer has to pay a pound of flesh for our freedoms.

We really don’t work well together, but I’ve come to realize that’s not important… now.  At some point it won’t be enough and I’ll have to move on.  For now, he helps me express the wisdom I’ve picked up from my father, grandfather, and wise sages.  That wisdom challenges him and so we’re both better for it

I breathe easier after sitting all night at Starbucks, because it comes back into focus; that and I no longer feel the need to choke him the fuck out.

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