Ham and Mayo on Wonder Bread…

Now Red can back me up on this…

Is there any better sandwich than a honeybaked ham sandwich on cheap ass white bread with nothing other than mayo?  I think not…

Especially this week.  It’s been a long 2 weeks, my parents got their car repossed so I’ve been taking my mom to and from work daily (which sucks about 4 or 5 hours out of my day).  She lives in Hillsboro (Portland Suburbia West) and she works in Troutdale (Portland Suburbia East), of course I live downtown (right smack dab in the middle of Portland).  So I’ve been waking at 5:15 AM every morning to drive to Hillsboro, to turn around and drive to Troutdale, and then to back downtown to work.  Rinse and Repeat, in reverse, at night during rush hour.

It’s left no time to wrestle or have any time for myself or Julia.

I, of course, then dropped 600 dollars on a 24 hour fitness membership last Tuesday.  Then to have the brakes on my car go out on Wednesday but I fixed it (which will get it’s own entry)

So on this day, I sit here with a white bread ham and mayo sandwich… GOD I EARNED THIS

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I know Hillsboro!

I can vouch for the ham, white bread and mayo! In fact, in the middle of the night, after a full day, a few drinks and a lusty romp, there is nothing I want more than a ham sandwich with mayo! Throw in a moon pie and a back rub and the day just couldn’t end any better. Hope your ‘rents get this sit resolved soon!