Easy going passion

Since I’m writing about this breakup tonight, and I know you’ve all missed me SO very much.  I went over to a girls house for the first time since the ex on Friday night.

I had gone out with this girl once while the ex and I were not dating.  I called her this week and we went out.  She’s a business professional with my protype body and a sexy eastern european accent.

We had thai food (she bought… amazing ehhh) and rented a couple of movies that we watched over too many glasses of wine.  We talked for hours and laughed so hard we fell off her bed numerous times.

Making out is one of those things that just can’t be faked.  You can fake sex, you can fake attention, but you can’t fake passion.

I remember once, long ago when I was married when my ex-wife and I were just married, it was a winter marriage and she had the cold.  About 2 weeks into being married we were having sex and she blew a snot bubble.  Neither of us could stop laughing.  I miss the easy going sex and passion.  Laughing so hard that it didn’t matter that she had just hit me with a snot rocket.  We made out and had sex after she wiped her nose on my chest hair.  God that sounds gross, but it was great.

I remember making out with a very special woman once and we were having an extremely rough make out session.  None of our clothes made it through that night… anyways… we were in the back seat and she was taking care of me.  It was the first time I had my prostate massaged while being taken care of.  I couldn’t stop laughing in my head, I knew I was going to shit all over the seats in that SUV.  Once we were finished and we were walking back to the motel room I told her about my thoughts and what I found SO funny.  That walk back, in our tattered clothes at 3 AM laughing and holding each other.  That’s passion, fun easy going passion. 

I was making out with this girl the other night and we were wrestling.  We fell off the bed and her nipple ended up in my ear and she fell on my hardness bending it in a way it wasn’t meant to bend.  I think we had to have laughed hysterically at the situation for 15 minutes.  We laughed and kissed and laughed some more…

Here’s to doing what it takes to move on…

Here’s to nipples in the ear and sore junk…

Here’s to a bit of passion in this ol’ rednecks life…

Like Seacrest, Amador’s OUT!!!

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LOL. Good times. Glad to hear things are looking up.

February 6, 2006

don’t know whether to admit it or not… but that sounds pretty hot.. teehee.