
Heylo there!

Ok so I’ve been thinking about getting a tattoo for a while, then my mate decided she was gonna get one too and wanted me to chum her so I thought I may as well kill 2 birds with one stone and get mine done at the same time. So she has booked her appointment for a week on Thursday. I’m bloody scared lol. I’ve just finished drawing mine up….

The stars look a bit wonky in tht pic, they arent as wonky as tht when u look at them in real life lol. I’m gonna get it next to my hip, but not ON it coz that would be even more agony! I wish I could get drunk before it so I didn’t have to feel the pain lol. I’m sure I’ll be fine though

Got that interview tomoro, so fingers crossed and got another one for next week too I think. So hopefully soon I shall be a working gal! :] Need the moneys like! Hehe.

Anyway I’m off out to enjoy the loverly sunshine! :]

Byeee x

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May 2, 2007

Heya Good luck with your interview tomorrow Aww I quite like stars for tattoos..look nice, well when you go in for your tat anyways and tell the guy that thats what youe wanting they will sketch it up for you anyways so dont worry if it looks wonky when you draw it up =)’ll be fine!’s worth it! I remember a few weeks back, I was in Tesco with my sis, and there was this girlwith wee shoes on, but she has a bunch of stars all together on her foot (I know ouch! at getting it there) ..but it was gorgeous! xxx

lol i have 3 blue stars on my hip 🙂