Hey :]
Welllll I got my tattoo FINALLY!! 😀 Really happy with it. I was absolutely bricking it when I went in to get it done. And the guy was like "right youve only got one chance when it comes to stars so you have to stay absolutely still" I was like yeah thanks tht makes me feel soooo much better. I managed to stay still and silent throughout the whole thing lol. Sitting with my eyes squeezed shut, my hands squeezing each other and my teeth grinding haha. Wasn’t as bad as I expected, it’s a forgettable pain but at the same time it’s not a walk in the park. Think it made it worse that it was right on my spine. Was sorest at the top near my neck, I very nearly pulled away at that point it was so sore! Think it made it worse that he started and stopped, coz the longer he kept it going the easier it got, but then he would stop n start again lol. Anyways enough blabbing heres a pic!
Not really got much else to say just now! Lol. Catchya xx
Randomed in – cute tattoo! I love stars! I wish I had the guts to get one there, but I’m too chicken. Mine are on my ankles/calves. Way less painful. This looks really nice! 😀
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