Quick Survey
1. Who do you wish understood you better? lol, no comment.
2. Who is the cutest blonde you know? Erm the only blonde I can think of is Laura lol. So yeah Laura.
3. Do you know anyone named Molly? Nope dont think so.
4. What were you doing before this survey? Reading another diary.. which is where I got this!
5. What is the first job you held? In the chipper lol.
6. Do you feel you are involved with your community? Nope.
7. What have you been thinking about a lot lately? Hmmm, I dunno… death maybe. Sounds like I’m a manic depressive but it’s only coz a few people have died lately.
8. What’s better- lemonade or orange juice? Depends how I’m feeling.
9. Throw up or fart in front of your date? Why? Haha. None!
10. What do you think of the name Conner? Yesh it’s nice.
11. What do you think of the name Madison? Cool name.
12. Do you like to put together puzzles? Aye why not.
13. What kind of music do you listen to? Looooads! Mostly indie/rock and of course cheesy pop! =D
14. Is there anyone you want to strangle? Lol, not at the moment.
15. Has a movie or song ever truly made a difference in your life? How? Yeah I guess. Cant think of any off the top of my head but I know its a yes.
16. What’s your favorite font? Dunno tbh. Go through different stages lol.
17. When IMing, do you usually say hi first? Nah, unless I wanna talk to them about something or if I’m bored lol. That makes me sound arrogant. I’m not btw.
18. How do you normally greet people? By saying hello lol. In many different ways of course.. theres hey, heya, heylo, hallo…..
19. What’s your take on meeting new people? I like it. I’m always quiet around people until I really know them though.
20. What are you doing besides the survey? Watching/listening to friends.
21. Do you watch the Disney Channel? Dont got it.
22. Do you watch Nickelodeon (and still like it)? Ditto.
23. What’s your favorite cereal? I dunno tbh.
24. What do you think of college, overall? Don’t go.
25. Can anyone truly be independant? Erm.. unless ur a loner and enjoy it then no. You need some social interaction surely.
26. If your eyes could be any color, what color would you pick? Lol, erm.. I dunno, I would keep them brown I think.
27. "Crop circles in the carpet…" What song is that from? Imogen Heap – Hide and Seek *tear*
28. Do you get a lot of mail? Nah, usually just bank statements.
29. What sounds really good right now? Sleep.
30. Are you keeping something from your best friend? Nah dont think so!
Ahh surveys. To pass the time!
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