Push, push, push.
Argh I’m feeling so crap right now. I dunno if it’s just hormones or something, but I’m feeling really down. I just feel totally on my own. It’s weird coz anytime I’m feeling down it’s usually something to do with tht. I mean don’t get me wrong I have my family and my friends who are great, but sometimes I feel like I am imposing on them… like I’m not really meant to be there. My friends that is.. not my family. Sometimes I feel like I dont fit in, it’s really strange. I feel like I have absolutely no-one in the world and it scares me.
I mean ultimately we are all gonna be alone right? We are gonna die alone, plain and simple. So we are meant to have someone to make our life happy while we have that. I feel like I don’t have that, and even if I do get it something happens to muck it all up and I’m back on my own again, whether it’s friends or boyfriends. Obviously my family are always there but that’s not the same is it? I mean it’s kinda their job.
Maybe it’s me, maybe I push people away. I know I’ve been doing it recently. I don’t mean to it’s just that sometimes it’s too much effort. Or it’s that someone is putting pressure on me, making me feel bad or arguing with me CONSTANTLY.
Everyone else seems to get things they want and not have any hassle with it, or little hassle and are completely happy. It just seems I never get that. Everyone else seems to know what they wanna do with their lives and are doing something about it. I don’t have that either. Just doesn’t seem fair really.
Anyway sorry this has been a boring, feeling sorry for myself entry. xx
I might as well copy and paste your entry into my diary, because I feel exactly the same way. At least know that you’re not alone in feeling alone. Someday we lonely people will discover each other, and our lives will improve.
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I totally understand how you feel about not wanting to impose on family and friends. I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times, but I’ll say it again “it isn’t imposing because you family and friends love you and want you to feel good.” Anyway I wish you much happiness in the future =)
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Hey hun i’ve felt like this before too but it doesn’t always stay this way. trust me the sun will be out soon. xmwahx
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Awk, hope your feeling better today =) xx
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