Drunk survey!

Stolen from Perfect World :]

1. Have you ever been drunk?
Lol, do you really need to ask that? =P

2. How old were you the first time you got drunk?
Erm, I dunno maybe about 14/15 before I got properly drunk lol.

3. Have you ever gotten/given digits while intoxicated?
Lol, yes I have.

4. Have you ever ‘drunk dialed’?
Every. Fecking. Time. haha. Drunk texting also!

5. Have you ever been drunk in front of family members?
Yesh, but they didnt know… as far as I know anyway lol.

6. Have you ever had to cover up the fact that you were drunk?
Lol yup just answered that.

7. Have you ever been arrested for any alcohol related crime?
Nah, cant say I have. Asbo though! Haha.

8. Have you ever hooked-up with someone while drunk?
Wel not hooked up hooked up. But to some exent.

9. Ever forgot their name?
Can’t say I knew it in the first place haha.

10. When was the last time you were drunk?
Last Saturday =D <3

11. Have you ever been on a drunken binge?
Probs lol.

12. Do you need alcohol to have a good time?
I dont necessarily need it, but I like it!

13. What kind of alcohol gets you the most intoxicated?
Erm spirits defo.

14. Favorite liquor?
Dont really like any liquor… that I know of lol.

15. Favorite beer?
Eugh none, they are allllll rankage.

16. Have you ever woken up after a night of drinking and found out that you were still drunk?
Lmao! Many a time!

17. Have you ever swam drunk?
Haha, no.

18. What kind of a drunk are you?
It depends on what is going on around me and how everyone else is feeling. If theres loads going on and everyone is happy and hyper, then I will be too. But if not much is going on and everyone is just sitting about I go really quite and tend to drift off into a world of my own!

19. Is alcohol like "truth serum" to you?
Omg yeah! Sometime I tell folk things that I’ve kept a secret for months lol. I often tend to try and find a way around telling someone something.. by asking lame questions and then that person just guesses what it was I was really saying anyway! Haha. Then I forget I told them =(

20. Favorite drinking partners:
Haha me and Laura = TEAM! Just all ma mateys really!

21. Favorite bar?
Wherever my peeps are!

22. Have you ever completely blacked out?
Erm nah, I just fall asleep!

23. Have you ever puked from drinking?
Nope! =D

24. Have you eve had the ‘crying drunks’?
God yes haha.

25. Can you still do physical activity while intoxicated?
Haha of course I can!

26. Have you ever gotten into a drunken fight?
Nope, I’m not a violent person! lol.

27. Who is the most annoying drunk that you know?
Callum. Haha, just kidding. I dunno , nobody really.

28. Who is the most flirtatious drunk?
Lol everyone gets a bit flirty when they are drunk.

29. Do you have a drunken nickname?
Haha no!

30. Have you received a boo

ty call?
To a certain extent..

31. Funniest drunken scene?
Haha too many!! Whats annoying is that I cant think of any in particular right now!

32. Favorite Shot?
Dont particularly like shots, but probs Peach Schnapps.

34. Have you ever been hit on by someone decently older?
Not in person I dont think, eugh. But all these weirdos online nowadays.

35. What’s the worst ‘buzz kill’?
The end of the night =( I always get to the stage where I never want the night to end!

36. Have you ever dated a bartender or bouncer or cocktail waitress?
Lol nope. Although somone (*shudders*) works in a bar now I think.. he did the last time I spoke to him anyway.

37. Do you ever say to yourself, "Fuck, I need a Beer"?
More like "Fuck, I need a drink… anything!" lol.

38. Do strangers ever buy you drinks?
Lol, not to my recollection.

39. Have you ever drank too much?
More or less every time lol. But once I start.. I just dont stop until Ive drunk everything I possibly can.

40. Is there anything that you refuse to drink?
I’ll drink more or less anything once I’m already drunk.

41. Have you ever been drunk on a plane?
Lol, nah.

42. Have you ever gotten drunk during the day?
Certainly have.

43. Have you ever had to run from the cops and leave the beer behind?
Haha, we didnt run… then they took the drink and gave us Asbos =( LEGEND!

44. What’s your favorite drinking game?
Roxanne!! Haha, gets a bit stressful too!

45. Have you ever injured yourself while drunk?
Lol sure have.

46. What’s the most destructive thing that you have done while you were drunk?
Nothing comes to mind atm, but I’m sure there will be something lol. I bitched about Ryan really loudly one time and he was right in the next room… doors open and he was like I CAN HEAR U GEN haha.

47. Ever been drunk at a concert?
Nah, not the safest thing to do really lol. Bad enough sober!

48. Is this survey getting too long?
Nah, I’m bored!

49. Are you ready for the last question?
Sure am, bring it on!..

50. Why do you drink?
Coz it’s fun. I prefer myself drunk to sober coz I have more confidence and will talk to more or less anyone and just generally dont give a fuck!! You always have a laugh when your drunk!

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July 23, 2006

Hello Gen Gen 🙂 How are you? Thought I’d leave a note since I dropped by. I’m going to find out when Darren’s next party is … just to make sure for Rab’s bday. I will talk to you later honey. byeeeee. xxx