Murderous Expectations

Its simple enough i guess.

But i shouldnt make myself care any more. I have eight days left in this place, then its all over, this episode is all over, and a new one begins.

I dont let myself have expectations, so none can be broken, or exceeded. Its my way of keeping my feet on the ground.

Sometimes it takes something larger to shove things back into perspective. Like a drunk person holding a knife to you, laughing horrifically, telling you its your time, that they are going to help you out, make the decision for you.

You wouldnt care if they were special to you, but that particular person never is, they’r the sort you could easily give up, leave by the road side, and drive off without looking in your rear view mirror.

The one you want to kill you somehow never gets round to it.

i cant sleep, and though its not particualrly late yet, it bothers me. Im restless, i take migraine pills, even though i do not have a migraine right now.

It is hot, but dark, which is strange. Tropical. Something i dont often encounter. It feels like i should be outside, amybe on a beach, or a mountain top, looking through the trees at the sea, feeling the sand and dead grass under my feet, feeling the damp of the coming rain and mist. Feeling lost and wild and free and at one with the world.

Maybe i’d have a pet shark and a boat, just for fun. The sea water wouldnt be salty and it’d definatly never be cold. Always just right.

Going through my stuff and chucking lots out, i came across things i havent seen in years. Like old school work, from primary school. and character reports.

I came across pictures i drew, aged 7 or 8, pretty pictures of a brightly coloured world. A new world, an amazing and fun world.

i world i still – more or less – see now.


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September 10, 2005

ryn: Yeah, it would be fun if they stayed open 24/7 unfortunetly, its 24/5, then again, the poor b*stads that would have to work at 4am on sunday night…. So maybe its good they dont otherwise their would be some sort of revolution…!

September 10, 2005

Whoa. I love the memories that you uncover when you look at a picture from like when you were 7. For me it’s usually positive, because I had a good childhood and all, as Freud would judge by when looking at a person’s mentality. (Heheh, don’t ask, I’m taking Psych.) I would love a pet shark or a sting ray too. I want to make a man made pond in my back yard when I’m older, lead a Hemingway life.

September 10, 2005

ah, love. 🙂

September 10, 2005

beautiful piece…of a story no one quite gets quite yet.

September 10, 2005

Feeling lost and wild and free and at one with the world – you mentioned how my pictures were more or less what you were seeing when you wrote this, interesting to note, that when I’m in some of these places, those thoughts are exactly what I feel. 🙂

September 12, 2005

It’s cool to find things like that. I remeber finding a handprint I made in Kingergarten.

read…I hate you Craked!!!