Legal loopholes?

if ‘free love’ is a perfectly legal expression of a persons liberty in this country, then why isnt polygamy?
surely the decision to enter polygamous marriage shows greater responsibility for these personal liberties, as well as offering stability (and public recognition of this stability) to relationships which would otherwise be seen as immoral or loose by some.
Its all very well to promote a secularised, multi-cultural society but – if this is going to be the case – law must be willing to reflect practice, whether or not such practice is in line with ‘Christian’ principles. (which lets face it, are archaic by any stretch of the imagination) 
If it is going to be an issue of Human Rights (which it is currently under EU law) then will a financial means test not suffice, if someone is capable and desiring to support more then one partner in marriage, then why should they not be able to do so??


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