
I smile or laugh all the time because I don’t know what else to do

I am starting to become comfortable with the idea that I am ordinary and that there’s nothing wrong with that

Sometimes the weight of my sadness is bone-crushing, like the pressure of water down deep

When im lying in bed tired, its because my mind is fighting against me

If i watch something sad on TV it takes me days to get over it

If I hurt myself it’s because it’s the only feeling that I can stand to feel

I am terrified of not being a good enough mother

I’m deathly afraid of growing up and dealing with all the things a grown-up must think about, even though I’m technically an adult

There are so many things I wish I could say

Words and actions hurt me even though they weren’t meant to

I cry when you hug me because of the emptiness and pain I know I’ll feel when you finally do let me go

I sometimes need your help, but I’m not sure how to tell you this

I really do care about you, more than you could even imagine

I cry when no one is around

I have a very difficult time seeing myself as a girl/woman/anything feminine

I want to make a difference in the world

For twenty one years I have tried to be someone else. I have sweat, cried, screamed my way out of my skin

My family is more dysfunctional than I like to admit

When I laughingly say I don’t want to grow up, I’m not joking. I really am terrified

I’m always in a state of obsession. My mind is alway berating me for something. I never have a moment of pure peace or silence in my head

I feel there’s an empty hole in me

Some days I feel like the old me & it feels so liberating

<font face="Time

s New Roman”>What you said/did hurts

Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong anywhere and I feel like an alien and that I don’t belong in this time because my outlook feels so foreign

I hate being needy and yet I long to be taken care of Without this mask I don’t really know who I am

I’m not trusting of anyone

I simultaneously crave both fitting in and standing out. I feel like a failure when I’m different, and I feel like a failure when I blend

I always feel like a burden but usually I hide that

I don’t want you to give up on me

I have big dreams and wish that I believed enough to make them become a reality

I don’t even know myself

I will not show that I am mad at you. In fact, I probably won’t even feel mad at you, unless someone else reassures me that it IS something to be mad about

I want to find something that will make my parents proud of me

Even when it doesn’t look like it, I am trying, and I’m doing my best in the moment

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August 25, 2007

I know…. I just have to rant about it every so often…. more I wanted to draw attention than rant, wanted to say something intelligent think I failed miserably at that.

August 25, 2007

This rings so true it’s pretty painful. Thank you. x

🙁 i am a brad i no like your pic but thanks for the note

August 27, 2007

Times are bad, but at least they can’t get much worse, can they? Sometimes by saying that things always get worse. The hardest things sometimes are the most valuable things you have in the end, precisely because they are hard.

August 27, 2007

Thanks for your note. I hope better days come soon for you.

August 27, 2007

thank you for your note. Its something i’ve been trying to do for a while and its really soo hard.

There’s nothing wrong with being ordinary!Bone crushing sadness happens,but if it gets to be too much you should talk to someone,therapy is nothing to be ashamed of,its there to help, it saved me from myself.You might not need it though.You sound like a sensitive type of person which is neat,sensitive people tend to absorb from and soothe others and change the world.Stay healthy,you sound depressd

August 27, 2007

RYN: I’m studying psychology at wesleyan college. it’s pretty cool so far, college is definitely different though.

If you don’t want to be ordinary you don’t have to, just do something not ordinary that you really want to do like move to india or something.

September 13, 2007

this sounds so familiar that i had to read it twice- sounds like it came out of my own head. all these things you’ve said, they sound like they’ve been pulled up through a deep lake- things that you know about yourself, and it’s so hard to know. did you end up showing this to the person it was written toward? in any case. a brave thing to write.