
I accidentally spelt friend F…R…E…N…D

That’s my desire for simplicity showing. Or maybe I have been reading too much American literature recently.

I never quite learned where all this came from, all this trouble. It just seemed to be part of me, Pretty much right from the start.

If I had a penny for every time I’d heard ‘where does all this come from?’ I’d probably have a couple of quid by now.

There’s nothing much here, apart from some piles of washing, a few hundred books and me. The raised voices of the neighbours and the screaming of their kid penetrates my ears, a breeze rushes in from under the door so I have to sit up on my feet to keep them warm.

It’s a common misconception that loneliness is lonely. Well, it is lonely. Let me explain. I feel less lonely here then I would sat in a room packed with people. I feel more socially fulfilled sitting here then I would engaging in conversation with 15 others. So whilst I feel lonely here, it’s in a pleasant calm way. Whereas when surrounded I feel lonely in a violent, anxious way.

Its not late. It is only quarter to four. The only person I have seen all day is a woman I spotted from my window earlier. She was walking alone, she paused to go into the shop, and a few minutes later came out with two packs of twenty Mayfair. She had shoulder length bleach blonde hair, and sunglasses, her age speckled legs were uncovered, her denim mini skirt was much too short. She looked… well, she looked battered. Maybe a little lost. She hadn’t lived on this estate long. Or maybe she’d lived here all her life, but had never come to terms with her surroundings. Maybe she’d never been sober enough to notice.

A few lads sat smoking dope on a bench are shouting across the street at her. She ignores them and walks on, one of them crosses the road to stand in front of her, he spits on the floor, she jumps back in her sandaled heels. He gets behind her, puts a hand round her hip and blow smoke in her ear. She looks scared, he laughs. He walks away, turning around only once to throw his cigarette butt at her.

If I was more of a person I’d have intervened. Maybe gone down there, or shouted something from my window. But I didn’t. I watched. And now I continue watching while she sways away on her heels, hurridly, clutching her Mayfair. I’m surprised the kid didn’t take them. She had a lucky escape.

A few months ago the shop got robbed. Some of the local kids jumped over the counter and held a knife to the elderly Asian guys throat. They touched up his daughter, when he protested they cut his face and smashed his nose. They took the safe and the till, smashed up the place. Before they left they poured a bottle of liquor on the door step and set light to it. Scare tactics. They rule the place. And the government knows it.

The boys are in charge.

My speakers, which had been thrashing out a record, jumps and stops. Must be a scratch on the vinyl. The silence makes my ears ache. Suddenly I can hear the knocking that’s been going on for a few minutes, and I bounce off towards the door. I swing the door open and a breeze comes in and cuts through the smoky interior of my room.

A tall, dark eyed guy stands there alone. He wears a dull, laddered West Ham, shirt and a leather jacket with Sex Pistols patches. ‘Give me a fag’ he says, taking the one from my mouth. ‘ok’ I say, trying to reach behind me to get the knife I keep on the table by the door. ‘Give me a tenner’, ‘ok’ I say and swing the knife towards his stomach. He dodges, steps back, looking shocked and walks to the next door, just down the hall.

I shut the door, and set up another record. I wander back over to by the window. One of the kids is on the floor under the bench out cold, while the others shrug and hold their hands up in front of two wildly gesturing policemen.

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July 31, 2005

Hey, that’s not bad. In America we have something like that, only in the end a long eared capped guy with a bat on his chest jumps in. Then the clown guy spews his crap and the fight is on. But then again, over here, we’re savages. Someone would have just pulled a gun and shot everyone. It’s sad when you turn on the news and that story is the norm. Hope you combat your lonliness.

July 31, 2005

i wanna live in your world… i wanna live in your story world…i wanna live… make me alive

August 1, 2005

🙂 sorry I dont have time to read this right now. I love short and scatterbrained entries, random words, they seem the most honest somehow.

August 1, 2005

I love how nonchalantly you said okay before almost gutting the Sex Pistols patches guy. Oturageous, yet roguely amusing. Are you ever going to get these published, even if they are true accounts?

August 1, 2005

i can never quite figure if these episodes are actually happening to you, or if you’re just tuned attentively to the possibility of them happening. your writing has a magnetism that makes it so that it doesn’t matter what is true.

August 3, 2005

RYN: I hope we both get published. I’ve finished the piece, there was a second part.

August 3, 2005

The loneliness that you are referring to is more of a peaceful serene solitude, it seems, in which you thoroughly enjoy your own company. It is not like being anti-social, where you purposely evade others, but it’s more of a personal statement that you like people, but just want to enjoy the beauty by yourself and meditate in the process too.

August 3, 2005

By the way, I love the descriptions that you incorporate into your writing. Not only do we get such a wonderful sense of the environment, but I think you should so write a borderline non-fiction novel in which most of the events are true, but some aren’t or are embellished or fabricated.

August 5, 2005

heya u, havent noted u in a while! doubt ull remember me actually lol anyway hope youve been ok! ciao XXX

August 6, 2005

ive been good thanks! just finished college yay lol. and i passed my exams! 😀