a neutral mist

i dont write much worth reading any more to be honest. like richard papen in The Secret History, his unhappiness is relative to that place, fuelled by creativity, and his mental state.

it seems with everything i write now i address it to someone or something, rather then just theb huge vague mass of personalities that was once myself.

since coming here all that seems to have merged into one more or less solid ‘self’.

my housemate filmed last wednesday night when we had some people over, it was good, and my ‘self percieved self’ was what i saw on the video, for once. i looked how i think i look, which i’v never seen in videos or photos before.

i feel fuzzy and free, but heavy, and still like that twig.

like the mist that descended on friday around 3am when i was walking home.

except that mist bode for beautiful fresh weather, and im not sure what my mist bodes for.

well. i have an idea. but im not sure i’ll get to that same stage again, for now.

like the other day i felt miserable as hell, but by the time i got into the house, ampty house, and got upstairs the darkness had gone, faded somewhere further, somewhere more neutral inside me.

like the neutreal portrait. i feel more neutral.

im alone, but seeing some faces i recognise, or freindly facesidotn recognise but that sit staring and smiling back anyway.


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Sometimes It’s nice to just float in a neautral mood. Then it gives you time to suck in feelings from people around you and let it rub off on you.

October 11, 2005

Sometimes itÂ’s nice to just float in a neutral mood. Then it gives you time to suck in feelings from people around you and let it rub off on you. (BTW this is Emma Andy’s girlf I made a opendiary since I have a livejournal too!) Feel free to comment on my open diary.

October 12, 2005

I love reading your writing nonetheless. I find it captivating. I don’t know what it is about it. I really don’t. Something about it always glues me in. It’s not often I find some writing that I like. I am an extremely picky person. It is so simple but it has this delicate relatable feel to it, that draws me to it. So keep writing Don’t stop. Don’t worry that it’s not interesting enough. *XxX*

October 12, 2005

Hey hey, just randomly checked the site, I don’t write much now either… Hope you’re doing well. Take Care Jordan x

Its I Hate You here….we havent spoken to each other in ages, diary wise. Get in TOUCH

October 25, 2005

Hey, yeah, def gotta meet for a drink over xmas… Shame you’re not around to see me dressed up for halloween, I got my costume all sorted… Lol.