Rounding Up Last Week’s Thoughts
I obviously haven’t had much to say here. There isn’t much to comment on when it comes to my personal life. I don’t really want to rattle off a bunch of things that are going on in depth because… its just not that important. It doesn’t affect me as a person and how productive I am.
– I was feeling a bit nostalgic on Friday. MotoGem and I share stories back and forth about driving and my HS friends come up quite a bit. 10 years feels like it was a lifetime ago, and I’ve seen them all within the last 5 years (except CRacer).
– Replaced the starter in the Saturn this weekend with an OEM part. I hope that does the trick. Buying a different car just doesn’t work for us right now because we owe more on the car than it’s worth (as a trade in). We also hoped our next car would be either a (Chevrolet) Volt or (Nissan) Leaf.
– I registered for classes, but I am on a waitlist. The task of getting back into school has been arduous. I’m not sure why I am hitting all these detours and I’m still processing (subconsciously) what direction I should go. All the talk about being this, that, and the other thing has always put me into a vicious cycle. Right now, I have focus and probably going the practical route. There are ways down that path to where I can work for myself (web design for instance) that may be flexible and allow me to work from home.
– Physically, I run faster… but for the same amount of time. My heart rate is still at what I consider to be elevated rates, 121/82 or something like that. It was well below prehypertension (108/64 approximately) when I was riding my bike to work. I have to get into a habit of going out for a ride or getting cardio every day to get those stats down. I also might have to consider cutting back on cheese and meat. I prefer a vegetarian diet, but I don’t dictate what Twin and I eat.
– Twin and I spend a lot of time contemplating the state of affairs with our siblings. We are so different from them and had no problem becoming independent (or autonomous in my case at least), and we worked through dating and relationships quickly with a strong sense of self; rather, we always approached relationships as going through all the steps. If we couldn’t see having kids or getting married to some person, then we wasn’t going to waste my time with them (A strong sense of intuition of how relationships should progress). Our siblings are wasting time on a broken relationship, or not learning from prior relationship experience, or still having sex with their ex even though they broke up (and the partner may have slept with other people). WHAT A MESS! It’s hard to watch them make mistakes and hope that eventually they will have a breakthrough and arrive at where Twin and I did 6.5 years ago.
I’m glad to hear you got a part for the car. I hope it works. It’s a strange thing when you don’t see friends for a while and do. Seems like your life is going well and good luck with the school stuff. I feel weird about going back to school in August.
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ryn: re: taco bell…..yes I agree but sometimes cravings just get the better of me. and btw, it was totally worth it, haha. re: looking fat vs. looking pregnant….my body is just changing so fast that its really hard to see what other people see. when i look down i just see what appears to be a “gut”. when i look from the side, somedays i look obviously pregnant, other days it can get hiddenin what i’m wearing. not offensive at all btw. 🙂
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