
Yesterday was a hugely impactful day for me. I was so amped up had a hard time sleeping well even though I was mentally exhausted.

Please feel free to skip to the bottom, TL:DR

I’m currently studying personality typing and have found myself as part of the Objective Personality System class and community which aims to provide objective personality types based on observed behavior patterns. The definitions are clear and concise, at least as much as they can be when you’re trying to describe something as fluid, organic, or ambiguous as personality type. On the 1st of each month the founders only take so many typing submissions – it’s usually closed within minutes of opening – and so I made the cut on April 1st and then you wait until the 2nd of the following month to get back the best guess type from them. Yesterday was that day for me and it was delightful.

The community challenges themselves to arrived at a self-type. It can sort of signal that you understand the definitions of the functions in how they apply to you. That’s honestly probably the first step to really mastering the application of them to others. I originally started posting in the group as MF-Ne/Ti-CS/P(B). There’s a lot of preaching about how you’re probably going to miss your number 1 function – it’s so automatic and overused that it’s untrackable. I started to second guess myself and was leaning toward FF-Fe/Ne-PC/S(B). I was so unsure that I rarely posted responses in the group because I didn’t want to pollute inquiries with an erroneous type.

In the end, I was very close – I’m a pretty standard-issue ENTP with FF-Ne/Ti-CP/S(B). I’m throwing codes out there without much explanation so here’s what that means:

FF = Feminine Sensory, Feminine External/Extroverted “Decider” or “Judging” function. This part of the code is the Modalities of the type and have a varying effect on the way functions express themselves in behavior. F-Sensory will disrespect facts/details in favor of Masculine M-Intuition being more direct or aggressive with the patterns seen intuitively.

Ne/Ti = External/Extroverted Intuition 1st savior, and Ti = Internal/introverted Thinking 2nd savior. My “crack-addicted” function is Ne. I am searching anything around me for patterns or abstract connections. I want more and more of them. I then will “bang-blocks” by myself to see what patterns subjectively make sense. In keeping with traditional MBTI, this means that the other functions that are “demons” is Fe = External/Extroverted Feeling and Si = Internal/Introverted Sensing.

One of the binary coins of OPS is comparing the 1st Savior and then 2nd & 3rd Function. The 1st one is an Observing/Perception function while the next two are Deciding/Judging functions. With them being paired so closely together, this makes me a Single-Observer, Double-Decider. I’m going to be more balanced and not as excited when discussing people – I am however, going to get excited when I see a pattern, or potentially be triggered if I’ve missed something sensory. Those two things, gathering “e” and organizing “i” are imbalanced, so I’m gathering more than I organize.

The last part of the code and somewhat unique to the OPS system is the “Animals” of the type, which for me is C=Consume, P=Play, S=Sleep and B = Blast. The animals are combinations of the four functions:
Consume = Di/Oe (Ti/Ne) Consuming is taking in new information, updating known information, Gathering information. Introverted Animal.
Play = Oe/De (Ne/Fe) “Pinging” or getting “Feedback” with interactions from the “tribe” or another person or group of people. Extroverted Animal.
Sleep = Oi/Di (Si/Ti) Reviewing or processing known information and personal decisions. Introverted Animal.
The last animal is usually omitted or put in parenthesis, because it’s considered to be “missing.”
Blast = De/Oi (Fe/Si). Organizing, teaching, preparing and delivering a message for others to learn. Extroverted Animal.

Another wrinkle, and worked into the above is “Human Needs” of ExxP/IxxJ, ExxJ/IxxP. When looking at functions on their own, there’s just two and one is a Savior is and one is a Demon, and this is another binary coin of the system. The way its coded in the first sentence is definitely in purpose: You’re one of those coins or the other, and then within that people fall into one or the other sub-coin. They tie back to Single/Double Observing or Deciding. ExxP and IxxJ, double deciders are over controlling/anxious about being controlled while ExxJ and IxxP concede their identity to that of the tribe or are identity over tribe. In my case, I’m ExxP/IxxJ

Lastly, there are letters involved: NT/SF and NF/ST. Generally speaking:
NT = Intuitive Thinking, reasons in the abstract (nerdy)
SF = Sensory Feeling, value in the real-world (popularity)
NF = Intuitive Feeling, value in the abstract (hippie)
ST = Sensory Thinking, reasons in the real-world (reporter)

Those are grouped into binary coins of each other. Most of the focus gets put on the opposite, but in the other coin one of them is going to be the missing letters. When applied to me, I’m NT/SF with SF missing entirely. That’s not always the case with OP types – there are a number of ENTP’s with any other letter combination missing except NT.

To summarize or conclude, it’s a system of coins and for me this is how it worked out:
F-S > M-S
F-De > M-De
N > S
Oe > Oi
T > F
Di > De
ExxJ/IxxP < Exxp/IxxJ
C > B
P > S

Getting my type back provided confirmation that Sensing is a weakness, and that my memory although comes off as being great – its not. I’ve managed to leverage my NT Consume to put together some semblance of memory. With being FF – Tester/Visual, I can tie memory to pictures or video and then fill in some gaps by way of puzzle pieces before or after to create the story. In my day job, I can change what numbers mean without impacting the overall math (zero-sum equations).

If I were to give a metaphor – my core functions are like a triangular Kite – Ne at the top with Ti and Fe making up the other lower points. The string keeping it from flying away is Si.

I have learned over time that generally people don’t like it when you figure out their patterns and let them know about it, so I digress by way of double deciding – should the group or tribe desire to know their patterns, I will do my best to explain – but that is extremely hard.

To be typed, you have to be part of the class for 3 months and then submit a video by way of an unlisted YT. The video must be at least 30 minutes in length and they prefer you answer 5 open ended questions:

1.What’s your week look like? Give as much or as little detail as desired
2. What’s the most challenging time of your life?
3. What’s the biggest problem in the world?
4. What’s your happiest memory?
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

So yeah… it was fun, and I’m avidly looking forward to being a part of the group to further the patterns and “science” both in writing and video.

I hope everyone is well, thank you for reading – and sorry for the overly-stacked subjective logic.

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